Update - Operation Christmas Child

Burkina Faso With BowWe just wanted to post an update regarding our Operation Christmas Child project.

The Operation Christmas Child organization let us know that our boxes were delivered to Burkina Faso. This small country in West Africa has one of the lowest GDP per capita figures in the world. It also has a disproportionately young demographic. Operation Christmas Child has delivered almost 1 million boxes to the children of Burkina Faso since 1999.

We are thrilled that children that need some smiles and love received our boxes already.

The INO.com Team

4 thoughts on “Update - Operation Christmas Child

  1. Our church was involved in this project also.
    Showing the love of Christ through Operation
    Christmas child can change the world,country by country,
    soul by soul,Merry Christmas!

  2. Well done sir, Mr Adam and you of course Mr. Chris!!!
    I hope you all have a prosperous 2014 and carry on the good job with the poor children
    Have a lovely Xmas and love with understanding in your homes.

  3. Yes!! This is a great program!! I sent several of these boxes all online just a few weeks ago. I highly recommend this program!! What's the point of us making all the money we can make unless we use some of our resources to give to those who were not born in countries that have good economic conditions. I'm a strong believer in giving and from my own experience personally, those who provide for the poor will themselves be rewarded in many unusual and unexpected ways. Not to mention...giving is the cure for selfishness. 🙂

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