DOW Finishes With 5 Straight Days Of Losses

The DOW posted a daily loss for a fifth straight day Friday as economic uncertainty looms large. The DOW dropped 271.7 points or -0.78%, to close at 34,607.72. The S&P 500 dipped -0.77% to close at 4,458.58, and the NASDAQ -0.87% to close at 15,115.49.

For the week, the DOW finished down -2.15% for its second negative week in a row. Likewise, the S&P 500 lost -1.69% for the week, its first weekly loss in two weeks, while the NASDAQ finished the week -1.61% lower.

Bitcoin couldn't sustain its run higher after triggering a new green monthly Trade Triangle last week, losing almost -10% on the week, and triggering a new red weekly Trade Triangle, indicating that a sidelines position may be in order for crypto traders.

Key Levels To Watch Next Week:

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz and