The Euro makes a stand

After dipping just below the 1.20 level, the euro had a brief rally that pushed this currency back up to the 1.24/1.25 area. This corrective rally did not change the longer-term outlook for this market.

In this new short video (less than two minutes in length), you'll see our updated thinking on this currency.

Like all of our videos, there is no need to register and we encourage you to leave your thoughts below.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President of
Co-founder of MarketClub

Forex should not be foreign to you

It's the biggest market in the world and is traded 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, and therefore one that is impossible to ignore. I'm speaking, of course, about the forex market.

The question is, is this the tail that's wagging the dog? Meaning, is the forex market, mainly the euro, dictating the trend in American and European equity markets.

Continue reading "Forex should not be foreign to you"

Markets can get oversold, but when is a market really oversold?

Down    Chart

Markets can get oversold, but when is a market really oversold?

In my new video I show you a specific example of how markets can become oversold, stay that way, and why sometimes a relief rally doesn't change anything.

This is a short video and it's one I highly recommend watching as it will help you in the future to be aware of the oversold phenomenon.

I invite you to take a look at this new video with no registration and no charge.

I'm also interested in your views or strategy dealing with an oversold market, just leave us a comment below.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

When one euro equals one dollar ... don't be surprised

Don't be surprised when one euro equals one dollar... it could happen.

As everyone in the Western World knows, Europe has been having its share of major problems. All of Europe’s trials and tribulations have had a dramatic effect on the performance of the euro, recently putting it under severe pressure.

Unlike the United States, where we can print money and inflate ourselves out of most problems, the Eurozone is accountable to the 16 nations who gave up their own currency to join.

I have had a lot of calls and e-mails about doing a video on the euro, so I looked at the markets and made a video to share my thoughts with you.

Continue reading "When one euro equals one dollar ... don't be surprised"

Dollar Index Headed Higher

It has been a while since we looked at the dollar index, so today we decided to dissect this market and look at it step-by-step.

What is happening in this market is very interesting and I think you will see in this short video just what we have in mind.

As always, our videos are free to watch and there are no registration requirements. Do you agree with my analysis of the dollar index? Leave a comment and let us know what you see.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub