John Hathaway and Doug Groh: Buy Gold Like It's 1999

The Gold Report: In a 4th of July investor letter, you wrote that the precious metals complex, both mining shares and bullion, appear to be in the process of completing a major bottom, and you're more comfortable with the proposition that the downside potential has been fully exhausted. What are the signs that it's really turning this time?

John Hathaway: The gold futures chart is showing that we are in the process of a reverse head-and-shoulders pattern, which is a sign that a bottom has been completed. It means that downward momentum has been exhausted. This bottom will be confirmed when gold trades above $1,400/ounce ($1,400/oz), which is a stretch from where we are. At least we can say fairly credibly that it's shaping up to be a bottom, but we may test it over the summer.

Source: International Strategy Investment Group LLC

TGR: Are statistics on money flows telling you that investors are starting to get interested again? Continue reading "John Hathaway and Doug Groh: Buy Gold Like It's 1999"