Is that a sacrilegious thought? Let me say I'm a huge fan of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and have been since I wrote my book "Right on the Money" on a Mac some 20 plus years ago. But that was when Steve Jobs was changing the world with his WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface and that silly little mouse that now is an ubiquitous part of our lives.
Times have changed and Steve Jobs is no longer with us, but I'm sure he would be happy to see that his company has overtaken Microsoft as the most valuable corporation in the world to the tune of some $750 billion. We all know that since Steve has passed on, the baton was handed to Tim Cook. Tim Cook is a very talented executive and certainly a master of the supply chain. But does Tim Cook have enough imagination to drive innovation forward in creating new and exciting products?

Under Tim's leadership, Apple stock has certainly moved higher, no question about that, but what has Apple done lately? We will find out on Monday the 9th, when Apple will unveil a new product. Apple is rumored to be launching its new Apple watch and some upgrades to existing products.
Let me say I would like to be wowed by the Apple watch, but there is a little company called Pebble that has sold more smart watches than all the other smart watch makers combined and that company didn't even exist two years ago. Pebble is led by a very bright and focused individual much like Steve Jobs, who has a vision of what wearables can be and can do. His name is Eric Migicovsky and at 28 years old is the founder and CEO of Pebble. I'm sure we will be hearing a lot more about him and his company in the future. Could this be a David and Goliath technology story as mighty Apple may be felled by a Pebble? Continue reading "Is It Time To Short Apple?"