Will the euro bailout work?

Early Monday morning, European officials approved an enormous rescue package aimed at stabilizing its debt crisis, but is this a fix that will last, or only a temporary band-aid on a much larger problem? Vote below and leave your thoughts in our comments section.

How to trade the euro, regardless of what happens to Greece

Things have been bad in Europe recently. Between the travel restrictions due to the volcano and ash, as well as Greece not wanting to conform to strict fiscal policies, problems are adding up and adding weight onto the euro.

It is interesting to note that in the beginning of 2010, everyone was bearish on the dollar. Looking at the market action alone we could see that the dollar has done very well vis-à-vis the euro. This is where technical analysis shines as it is an unbiased viewpoint of the collective wisdom of all market participants.

In this new video I show you how you can trade the euro/USD cross using our "Trade Triangle" technology and come out of winner no matter what happens to Greece, Portugal, or Spain.

As always you can watch our videos without registration and there are no fees involved.

Enjoy the video.

If you have time please comment on this post,

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub