Upcoming Webinar Schedule

Thank you to all those who attended last Friday's "Perfect Portfolio" webinar. This webinar was recorded and will be available soon on our "Bonuses & Videos" page. We have also put together an FAQ pdf document for this portfolio which you can click here to download.

I'd also like to thank everyone for patiently waiting for the forex webinar video. There were some technical difficulties that prevented us from posting it much earlier, but it has now been added to the "Bonuses & Videos" page as well.

This week's weeks webinar, entitled "Beginner's Trading Terminology" will be great for those of you who are new to trading or interested in beginning, but are confused by all of the jargon that gets tossed around. As Adam said in his post earlier today, you have to understand the language of the market before you can understand what it is telling you.

To register or read more about any of the scheduled webinars, simply click on one of the links below:

As always, we're interested in your feedback and suggestions which you can send to ed*******@in*.com.

I hope to see you all in future webinar presentations!


Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education
INO.com & MarketClub

"Perfect Portfolio" Webinar this Friday

You have probably seen the posts below about MarketClub's "Perfect Portfolio", but if you haven't, now is a great time to catch up on them to get ready for this week's "Perfect Portfolio" webinar:

10/10/09 - The Perfect Portfolio for Traders and Investors (Video)
10/21/09 - What a Great Day for the Perfect Portfolio
11/02/09 - Solid October Results for the Perfect Portfolio
01/26/10 - Another Profitable Quarter for the Perfect Portfolio

On Friday, Adam is going to go into detail about this hypothetical portfolio and it's conservative strategy.  This set-up is "perfect" for those of us who don't want to look at our brokerage accounts every day.

The "Perfect Portfolio" covers 4 ETF's and Adam will look at each and also cover the strategy used to trade them.

In order to register for this free web seminar which is available to all of our Trader's Blog readers, simply click here.

Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education
INO.com & MarketClub

MarketClub is Up and Running!

I think it says a lot about our company that everyone was glad to be back in the office this morning and getting back to normal. It probably has a little to do with the fact that we all had a touch of cabin fever, but really, we all missed doing what we do.

Since we're getting back in the swing of things, I thought it would be a good idea to update everyone on the upcoming webinar schedule. You can click on any of the links below to find out more about scheduled topics and register for these webinars:

We apologize for any inconvenience that these snow delays may have caused, but we hope that you'll be able to join us for the the great topics that we have planned.

As always, I would love to hear your ideas for future MarketClub webinar topics and/or any feedback that you would like to share by emailing ed*******@in*.com.

Best wishes for a great weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day!

Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education
INO.com & MarketClub