What's Ahead In 2015?

Here we are, the first day of 2015, thinking about what's ahead this year. There's no doubt about it, 2014 was a good year for most stock investors and we hope you got your share of the pie.

The big standouts to me in 2014 were the mega drop in oil prices and the fact that gold prices have lost two years in a row. The last time that happened was in 1997 – so what's ahead in 2015?

I think that 2015 will offer some amazing opportunities for smart, knowledgeable investors. The key to trading this year is to go with the flow and don't fight the market. I don't know of any market expert who, in January of last year, forecast a 40% drop in oil prices. I'm not sure I heard anyone predicting that gold prices were going to have back-to-back losses two years in a row.

What does that tell you?

The investors or gurus who hold fixed beliefs and feel compelled to defend their market opinions are doomed. Investors who hold rigid market opinions in 2015 are not going to fair well and enjoy positive returns. That's just my opinion, and I reserve the right to change it at any time.

Here is another timeless piece of advice for 2015: Continue reading "What's Ahead In 2015?"