Here's A Good Way To Begin The Week

How did you do the second quarter? Did you make money or did you lose money?

Well, I'm happy to report that the Internet Portfolio put in a very good performance in a very flat market. The portfolio showed a return of 5.67% which I think you'll agree is an excellent return for Q2.

The Internet Portfolio is comprised of the following five stocks: Continue reading "Here's A Good Way To Begin The Week"

Are You Looking For A Consistent Way To Make Money?

Every investors' dream is to find a way to consistently make money in the market with the least amount of risk. The question is, does something like that even exist?

The answer to that question is yes and no. What I mean by that is yes, you can consistently make money market, but only if you adhere to a strict game plan and discipline.

Let me prove it to you... For the past 8 1/2 years, we have provided details for the World Cup portfolio. Every day the MarketClub team posts the signals to either enter or exit a market for each of the six markets tracked in this portfolio. These signals are available to every MarketClub member on a daily basis. Over the course of 35 trading quarters, the World Cup Portfolio has only had 6 negative quarters which gives it an 83% success rate. On an annual basis it has never failed to make money which answers the question, "can you consistently make money in the market?" I believe that the World Cup portfolio which has proven itself over 8 1/2 years in all kinds of market conditions to be a winning formula for success.

The World Cup Portfolio (WCP)

Q1 turned out to be a good quarter for the World Cup portfolio. In this diversified portfolio, six futures markets are traded. Here they are along with their Q1 results: Continue reading "Are You Looking For A Consistent Way To Make Money?"

The Official 2015 Trading Results For MarketClub's Model Portfolios

2015 was a difficult year for investors and professional hedge fund managers alike. Last December’s -0.77% aggregate hedge fund industry return pushed the annual aggregate returns further negative, ending at -2.01% for the year.

Despite overall hedge fund returns being negative for 2015, the distribution of returns across the funds was nearly even in terms of positive vs. negative annual performance (49% positive, 51% negative). The positive average return was 8.12% and the average negative return was -9.87%.

One of the major challenges in 2015 was that markets went nowhere and created lots of false and deceptive trends. Prior to 2015, the markets had seen strong trends almost every year. I believe that 2015 was a transition year and marked the end of the six-year bull cycle.

So how did the model portfolios fare? Continue reading "The Official 2015 Trading Results For MarketClub's Model Portfolios"

The Most Important Question I Will Ask You This Year

How would you feel if you had a portfolio so powerful that you could have outperformed every billionaire hedge fund manager in the world for the past 12 months?

I am betting that you would feel pretty darned good and proud of yourself.

Just about three years ago, I started a model portfolio on MarketClub called the Internet portfolio. This portfolio is comprised of just five well-known Internet stocks. Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX)
Yelp Inc. (NYSE:YELP)

One of the reasons this portfolio has been so successful is the fact that it approaches each of these five well-known Internet stock the same way, without emotion and on an analytical basis. It does not trade on rumors or hearsay, that is almost a surefire way of losing money.

The Internet portfolio is updated daily to provide you with potential buy and sell signals before they happen, there is no guesswork. This portfolio has outperformed Thomas Steyer, the #1 billionaire hedge fund trader for 2015, who is reporting a gain for the past 12 months of 9.99%.

I think that Mr Steyer's performance is very respectable given the type of markets we have had, however you have to remember that you would be paying this billionaire hedge fund manager a 2% management fee and a 20% incentive fee.

Here's a better deal... Continue reading "The Most Important Question I Will Ask You This Year"

Q2 Produced Double-Digit Returns For The Internet Portfolio

The Internet Portfolio managed to produce a gain of 11.8% for Q2. The big winners in this portfolio when Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) and Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN).

What is all the more remarkable is the fact that the NASDAQ was practically flat during Q2 with a modest gain of a little over 1%.

You can learn more about MarketClub's Internet portfolio here.

Here are the five stocks that are tracked in the Internet portfolio:

Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB)
Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX)
Yelp Inc. (NYSE:YELP)

Out of those five stocks, there were gains in three and losses in two for a 60% winning edge.

How this portfolio works, we track and publish a model $50,000 account that you divide into five buckets of $10,000 each. Depending on the value of the share that determines how many shares you buy rounded down. For example, Facebook trading at $82.50 would allow you to buy 120 shares. It's entirely different when you look at a stock like Netflix trading at $441.69 you would've just purchased 22 shares of that stock. The idea is to keep the portfolio balanced percentage wise. For example, a 1% gain in Netflix would be the same as a 1% gain in Yahoo based on a $10,000 bucket. The idea is not to bet big on any one stock or to try to pick the big winner for the year. The reality is no one knows and this approach is conservative and has produced outstanding results in our research.

Here are the actual number of shares traded and the recent gains and losses. Continue reading "Q2 Produced Double-Digit Returns For The Internet Portfolio"