Poll: Would you wear a computer?

galaxy gearIn today's poll we ask, "Would you wear a computer?"

On Thursday, Samsung announced its new Galaxy Gear smartwatch which is expected to land in the US in early October. It also seems like Google, has been pushing "Google Glass" forever. Sony, Samsung and others are all betting in the smartwatch space and it has everyone asking, "When will Apple announce its own smartwatch?" That could come as early as next week, as Apple has a special event planned on September 10th to announce its new iPhone.

So today we ask, "Would you wear a computer?"

Your vote, comment or feedback is always welcome on the blog. Looks like an interesting future in computing.

Would You Wear A Computer?

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Thanks for your vote and have a great day.

Video Blueprint for Success: Apple

On the 16th of July we put together an indepth analysis of Apple (NASDAQ:APPL) and how we expected Apple to behave for the balance of the year.  We are happy to report that this scenario is now unfolding and playing out perfectly.

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Every success in trading,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-Creator, MarketClub

"A" Is For Apple And Its Upcoming iWatch

Rumors and trademark filings from Taiwan to Turkey are fueling the Apple rally. It's no secret that the next big thing from Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is going to be an iWatch.

Is the iWatch going to be a game changer for Apple? Apple is one of the few technology companies in the world that has both the design and execution skills to bring a first-class smart watch to the market.

With Sir Jonathan (Jony) Ive heading up Apple's design team, the odds for a successful product being born out of Apple are good. Jony Ive is the same brilliant industrial designer who created many of Apple's biggest successes. Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, is coordinating and orchestrating supply chain logistics and marketing, and we're likely to see a first-class product coming out of Apple sooner, rather than later.

One thing Apple does perhaps better than any other company is to brand and develop a cult-like following. This was particularly evident when Steve Jobs, Apple's founder, was still with us. Many iPhone and iPad users will be quick to adopt whatever Apple is offering and with its huge installed base of users and cultists, it is going to be hard to see how this product could fail.

In today's video Continue reading ""A" Is For Apple And Its Upcoming iWatch"