E-mini Index Futures - Key Trading Concepts - Part II

In January, Marc Nicolas from Tradingemini.com, shared Part I of his e-mini index futures trading concepts. Among his many tips he talked about looking for high volume markets with a thin spread, only risking 1% of your capital per trade or less, limiting the hours you trade and keeping a runner. In Part II Marc discusses emotional trading and how to avoid being a gambler.

Visit Tradingemini.com to learn more about Marc's strategies and to find out about his upcoming free webinar this Wednesday, April 14th.

Mental Risk Management

“When you learn what not to do in order not to lose, only then can you begin to learn what to do in order to win.” Edwin Lefevre, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

1. Managing Position Size
Size envy can make traders take larger positions than they should. Most people can’t walk straight into a gym and bench press 300lbs. Traders must build up financial capacity, technical skills, and emotional development, judging progress against their own levels not others.

2. Dreaming of a Big Win

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