Why Copper Is a Critical Metal: Mickey Fulp

The Critical Metals Report: In the past, there has been some confusion about the term "critical metals." What do you consider to be critical metals and why?

Mickey Fulp: Critical metals are the major metals that are used globally in industrial applications and are essential for world economic health. They include iron, aluminum, copper, the various iron alloys, zinc, lead, tin and uranium. These are the real "critical metals," the ones that enable the world's economy to function.

TCMR: So your classification of a critical metal is based on the need and the supply and demand, is that correct?

"Critical metals are the major metals that are used globally in industrial applications and are essential for world economic health."

MF: It's based on the fact that they have major tonnages mined and processed and are essential to industry and world economic health. Critical metals either trade on worldwide markets through spot, futures and options or they trade as bulk dry commodities, as iron ore does. Continue reading "Why Copper Is a Critical Metal: Mickey Fulp"