Aurora Delivers 2,500% Revenue Growth in 12 Months

Analysis originally distributed on May 19, 2017 By: Michael Vodicka of Cannabis Stock Trades

First-quarter earnings season is almost over.

And the cannabis sector has been knocking it out of the park.

A lot of the stocks that we have covered over the last few months have stepped up and delivered excellent results.

Let's take a closer look.

In terms of pure growth, the best report I've seen came from Aurora Cannabis (ACBFF), one of the largest medical cannabis companies in Canada

Revenue jumped 2,500% from the same period last year to $5.2 million and was up 33% from just last quarter. Continue reading "Aurora Delivers 2,500% Revenue Growth in 12 Months"

Canada To Legalize Cannabis By July 2018

Analysis originally distributed on March 29, 2017 By: Michael Vodicka of Cannabis Stock Trades

The cannabis industry scored a huge victory last week. And if my analysis is correct, cannabis stocks are setting up for a big rally in the next few weeks and even bigger rally in the long run. Let me explain.

On Sunday night, news leaked that on April 10 Canada will announce plans to legalize recreational cannabis by July of 2018. Here’s some coverage from CBCNews if you’d like to take a closer look.

Liberals Announce Marijuana will be Legal by July 2018

This is a huge win for the cannabis industry and cannabis stocks. Much bigger than 7 U.S. states legalizing medical or recreational cannabis last November.

Cannabis is about to become fully legal in Canada for medical and recreational use. On the recreational side it’s going to be just like buying a pack of cigarettes or a a 6-pack of beer. On the medical side it will be prescribed even more as sleeping or anti anxiety medication for example.

Cannabis will be regulated and taxed but openly available to adults with a valid ID or doctors prescription.

In the short run, the good new out of Canada news gave cannabis stocks a much needed shot in the arm. Continue reading "Canada To Legalize Cannabis By July 2018"