The Secret Word: Deflation - And the Next Five Years of Financial Turmoil

The following is a sample from Elliott Wave International's new 40-page report, The State of the Global Markets - 2013 Edition: The Most Important Investment Report

You'll Read This Year. This article was originally published in Robert Prechter's July 2012 Elliott Wave Theorist.

In the first five months of 2012, there were 20 times as many Google searches on "inflation" as there were on "deflation." This is down from a

ratio of 50 times in June 2008. If any theme has been overdone over the past six years, it is the theme of inevitable inflation if not hyperinflation.

Inflation reigned for 75 years, from 1933 to 2008. People are so used to it that they cannot imagine the opposite Continue reading "The Secret Word: Deflation - And the Next Five Years of Financial Turmoil"