Brent Cook and Quinton Hennigh Use Geology to Find Winners

The Gold Report: Brent, Quinton recently joined Exploration Insights. What does Quinton bring to the publication?

Brent Cook: Quinton is a geologist who can see the big picture. He focuses on how a mineral deposit forms and assesses if it is economic. His contributions allow us to cover a lot more ground in the same time and our discussions often refine and improve the final investment decisions. It's a whole aspect to the business that's going to help me make Exploration Insights better. Given the state of the junior mining sector, this is the time to be picking up the deposits and companies that are undervalued or that show potential value based on a real economic evaluation.

"Because this is such a high-risk game, we're mostly looking for homeruns."

Quinton came out of Newmont Mining Corp. (NEM:NYSE) and Newcrest Mining Ltd. (NCM:ASX). He knows how the big companies work and what their investment criteria are. Ultimately, our goal at Exploration Insights is to identify deposits that are going to have high enough margins and be large enough to attract a buyout or purchase from a major mining company. Quinton did that at Newmont. Continue reading "Brent Cook and Quinton Hennigh Use Geology to Find Winners"