How You Can Be Right While The Crowd Loses

Have you ever wondered how you possibly make money when everyone around you is losing money? Jack Bernstein will show you how in today's video.

This video was produced live during an actual conference session. It's intended to duplicate, as much as possible, the experience of being there in person. As always, Jake is both interesting and provocative. His fascinating look into the markets is sure to make you think a little more about his recent discoveries.

WATCH NOW: How You Can Be Right While The Crowd Loses

The INOTV Team

Trading Psychology – Do's and Don'ts

Trading Psychology

Investing in the capital markets is a business that requires a strategy and risk management that will consistently generate returns.  To achieve success as an investor, individuals need to develop a trading style that is in line with their personality and level of risk tolerance.  Once an investor designs a style and strategy it is imperative that they endeavor to stick to that style.

Veering off course can be hazardous to the health of any business plan, and can generate a negative spiral that eventually puts the business in a situation where losses can ruin the business.  Developing an investment style requires some analysis of your business personality, along with your risk tolerance.  This process takes time, but can be made easier by using Binary Options as an investment vehicle as it mitigates some of the issues related to generating a successful trading plan. Continue reading "Trading Psychology – Do's and Don'ts"

Self Control and Discipline

Dave Curran is a respected author on a number of sites, Forex Avenger being one of them.

Today Dave will talk about managing your emotions in this tough market, specifically fear and greed. Read what he thinks

about disciplined trading.


After the trader has learned the mechanics of trading, we then enter into the world of Greed & Fear.

When you have your trading system in place, and know all about technical analysis, money management, probability, risk to reward and all the other components needed to be a successful trader, we are then introduced to our two friends Mr Greed and Mr Fear.

Greed and Fear = Emotions

It is sad to say this is the area that most traders cannot master, and if there was ever a secret attached to trading, this has to be one of the biggest, just behind money management. Continue reading "Self Control and Discipline"

Treating Your Trading As the Real Business That It Is

Today I'd like to welcome Brian McAboy from Brian is a well known and respected trainer of traders on how to turn and focus their trading into a business. Today he's going to give us some insights. As always he's ready for your comments and questions. Be sure and check out


When it comes to business & investment pursuits, trading truly is a great business – but only if you treat it as the business that it really is.  Most traders get around to this after taking several financial and mental beatings, but it when you finally do, the rewards are great.

Where most traders go wrong, starts at the very beginning of their trading careers.  They see trading more as a simple way to make some money, rather than a real business – and they pay a steep price in both financial and personal terms for this error.

Continue reading "Treating Your Trading As the Real Business That It Is"

The Psychology of Loss

I've asked Bob Iaccino from to come back and give us a short article on "The Psychology of Loss" as a LOT of people have recently dealt with it. Bob's written two previous articles which you can find through this link. Please enjoy the article and visit Bob's site for more great info.


At we spend most of our time educating our clients in our technical trading models. We give specific levels for entry, profit and stop loss and spend a much smaller amount of our time on trading psychology.  Trading psychology may, however, be the most important part of the equation and the most important part of trading psychology is the psychology of loss.
Continue reading "The Psychology of Loss"