"Saturday Seminars" - Trade System Evaluation Methods

System developers all too often design systems that produce excellent returns on paper while disregarding real world influences. David presents a few of his own personal trading programs and discusses how to properly evaluate their returns.

This seminar reviews Dynamic Zones, Average RSI, VIX, Best Day system, Trix, and the KST System. David discloses the programming code for most of the systems discussed. The evaluation of these systems centers on statistical methods that highlight the strengths and weaknesses of any trading system. David also discusses his favorite trading instruments: OEX options and the Rydex Nova and Ursa mutual funds. He summarizes his relatively conservative approach to trading the general market through the use of these investment vehicles.

David Stendahl is a professional trader, registered investment advisor and Vice President of TradeSignals. David co-founded RINA Systems in 1995, a firm specializing in performance analysis software for traders and investors. He specializes in S&P futures, OEX options and S&P Index funds.


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One thought on “"Saturday Seminars" - Trade System Evaluation Methods

  1. Stendahl talk was virtually incomprehensible because it was only raipid talking, using various "code" words which were not explained "Trix" for example. he refers to charts for explaining his talk, but they were not shown so were not useful.. Ino.tv.. where was the TV.

    I'm sure ehe knows his stuff, but did not communicate it.

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