Strategies, Tips, and Tools - Reserve your spot today

We've been working on some exciting new webinar topics here at MarketClub, as well as working to provide the basics for new members, trial members, and those who are just interested in learning how MarketClub works.

Read more below to find out more and register for one of these upcoming web seminars:

Today, April 16th at 4pm EDT / 8pm GMT, "Intro to MarketClub"

Watch and learn as MarketClub experts Susan Jackson & Jeremy Lutz  help you understand the basics of MarketClub such as: navigating the charts, "Trade Triangle" strategies, email alerts, and scanning capabilities.

Friday, April 30th at 4pm EDT / 8pm GMT, "MarketClub Member Strategies with Loic"

In our first MarketClub Member Strategy webinar, Loic, an active futures trader in Marseille, France, will share how he uses the system to complement his trading strategy. He will show everything from how he uses MarketClub alerts to stay aware of markets on his watch-list to determining when to enter trade using our signals and below-chart studies.

Monday, May 10th at 4pm EDT / 8pm GMT, "Broker FAQ"

MarketClub has invited panelists from several major brokerages to help you learn more about the people and companies who help you manage your money. This webinar is your opportunity to ask and have answered all of the questions that you've always wanted to know about brokers and brokerages - from common FAQ to setting up an account from overseas.

To reserve your spot, all you need to do is select one or all of the links above and register today. We look forward to seeing you at one of these upcoming presentations.

Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

8 thoughts on “Strategies, Tips, and Tools - Reserve your spot today

  1. Sadly I just missed out on today's webinar titled: "Intro to MarketClub".

    I'm a complete newbie and want to know whether I should:
    1) sign-up with to take the course with or;
    2) sign-up with and run with their options.

    I want to learn how to trade currencies.

    Please tell me which is the better option.

    Thank you.


  2. I understand the fibinacci thing bit what's the point if it is not an indicator of when to go short?
    Or long for that matter.

    1. Hi Curtis,

      Many traders will use the Fibonacci tool to help determine what levels a market may retrace to before resuming its initial direction. Swing traders will also use these levels (or pullbacks) to determine entries.

      Fibonacci levels are not a sure sign that a market is bound to retrace which is why they are used in conjunction with other signals.


      Susan Jackson
      Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

      1. Susan,
        Thank you for the clarification. It makes a lot more sense the way you put it. I should have thought it through more. The disclaimer threw me.

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