Speculative Bets On The Aussie To Rise?

Lior Alkalay - INO.com Contributor - Forex

Ever since China's stock woes escalated it seems all commodity-related trades have sunk under water. The Aussie took a nose dive vs. the two dominant safe havens, i.e. the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen, and turned range bound vs. the Kiwi.

In the not too distant past, there had been some signs of a tentative recovery in the Aussie. However, those signs quickly became mixed messages, offering nothing but false hope. Simply put, China continued to lose its grip on its financial system. Now, as always, China has been the wild card for the Aussie. We've already elaborated on the fact that China can't keep the Yuan high; at best, it can only slow its depreciation. But can China's latest actions be the springboard for the Aussie to rally? Continue reading "Speculative Bets On The Aussie To Rise?"

Indices Insider Australia and Asia: More sideways action in Asia, but it may not last very long.

By Chris Tedder


Price action in Asia has, yet again, been broadly sideways over the last week, but most markets have at least managed to push into the green, albeit only just. The ASX 200 and Hang Sang are up around 1.77% and 2.28% for the week, respectively. Whereas, the Nikkei has been hit harder by renewed concerns about the European crisis, poor earnings and a strong yen, and has fallen around 2.48% in the last 5 trading days, which means it is now one of the worst performing markets in Asia this year.

Last week global equity markets were being led forward by a slew of positive earnings reports out of the US, but without this investors are finding a reason to rally is eluding them. This sentiment is hitting the Nikkei 225 hard as Japanese exporters struggle with a strong yen and recent earnings weigh on stock prices. Japan is also struggling under the weight of an ageing economy and weak levels of global demand, thus the market is underperforming most of its counterparts in Asia. Continue reading "Indices Insider Australia and Asia: More sideways action in Asia, but it may not last very long."

Introducing Our Man in Australia, Chris Brown

We're excited to introduce you to Chris brown.

After many month's of telling you about our man in Australia we decided to sit him down with Adam for a quick chat.

Feel free to contact Chris via email at cb****@in*.com with any questions that you may have about the exciting Australian markets.

We hope you enjoy the interview.

Every Success,

The MarketClub Team

Why ETFs are taking over the global markets

A recent article in the publication Barron's pointed out one of the big success stories in 2010 has been the growth of the ETF market.  This market is expected to close out the year around $1 trillion up from $794 billion at year-end 2009.

For quite some time now we at MarketClub have been big fans of ETFs for investors. There are several reasons for this, but one of the great reasons is the easy way it allows investors to diversify their holdings not only across different markets, but also across different countries. We utilize this particular strategy in 2 popular ETF portfolios that we have constructed for MarketClub members.

Continue reading "Why ETFs are taking over the global markets"

ALERT: RSX Monthly Trade Triangle Buy Signal

The Vectors Russia ETF (SYMBOL: RSX)  flashed a monthly green " Trade Triangle" signal at 33.08 today.

This ETF is part of MarketClub's Global Strategy Portfolio.