Christopher Welch: Searching for a Perfect 10

The Gold Report: Chris, the lifeblood of your business is financing. What's your read on the appetite for junior financings compared to earlier this year?

Christopher Welch: The appetite for high-quality projects in the mining space is basically the same as it was in early 2012. However, in the current environment, where share prices are a bit depressed, it's getting harder to match investors with companies at share prices that are acceptable to both parties.

Aureus Mining Inc. (AUE:TSX; AUE:LSE) is conducting a big fundraising for its New Liberty mine in Liberia, which is positive news demonstrating there are green shoots in the equity space for West African gold, which is encouraging. We're optimistic that there will be more deals done in the near term.

TGR: There's been some instability in Mali, which stemmed from instability in Libya in part, and now there's growing religious tension in Nigeria. Does West Africa remain as stable as you once believed it was? Continue reading "Christopher Welch: Searching for a Perfect 10"