The Game Plan for Investing in Today's Corn Market

By John Payne, Senior Broker with Daniels Trading

The corn trade has been incredibly complicated as of late. The situation is one that projects both the most bullish and bearish of set ups, simultaneously. So what is anyone involved in the grain trade supposed to do? What do we focus on going forward that will project prices higher or lower? If market participants or advisors look closely, they will see a Jekyll and Hyde type market that doesn’t come around that often.

Tight Supply and 95 million Acres

Corn futures are now an environment with a two-tiered structure. On one hand, we have the old crop, or cash corn market (grain that is in the bin or would be ready for use immediately). This market is showing bullish characteristics with a historically tight supply on hand. The one factor, beyond all things, that triggers me as a buyer of cash or front month corn futures is the strong basis being reported in Decatur, IL (heart of corn belt) and in the Gulf of Mexico where the export terminals are. As of today, those basis levels are as strong as we have seen in recent times. Continue reading "The Game Plan for Investing in Today's Corn Market"