Are Investors Pulling The Plug On Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA)?

Hello investors and MarketClub members everywhere! Today I'm going to be looking at automobile stocks to find out just how positive the drop in gas prices has been for GM (NYSE:GM) and Ford (NYSE:F), but perhaps not so for Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA). High gas price were a big selling point for Tesla and with gas prices recently falling to five year lows, it may be a harder sell to move Elon Musk's iconic Tesla "S" electric car.

Technically, Tesla is very close to giving a major exit signal which I will be sharing with you in today’s video. I will also be looking at some downside target zones for Tesla should this happen.

In today's video, I will also be looking at Ford and General Motors to see if cheap gas prices are having a positive or negative effect on either of those two stocks.

Gold will be discussed, which seems to be reawakening from its multi-year decline. You may remember that I indicated that 2015 could well be the start of a bull market in gold.

This being Friday, I will also look at stocks that are making 52-week highs and some that are making 52-week lows and decide which markets represent the best opportunities for a weekend trade.

Traders! Don't miss out on MarketClub's Special Holiday Promotion! Try the tools for 30 days for only $8.95, then take advantage of a Special Holiday Rate for 90 additional days of access (Save 40%!).

Enjoy today's video and have a great weekend everyone.

Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Coke Vs. Pepsi: By The Numbers

History has shown us that America was built on the back of positive rivalries.

Like the long-standing feud between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox... or the U.S. vs. Russia in the Olympics. That's to say nothing of more serious rivalries like the political feud between Democrats and Republicans.

Nothing can drive competitors to perform their best like a well-matched rivalry. This is particularly true in the world of business. Think of Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) and Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Ford (NYSE: F) and General Motors (NYSE: GM), or ATT (NYSE: T) and Sprint (NYSE: S).

All of these (and dozens of others) have resulted in increased innovation, industry growth and -- most critically for investors -- shareholder value. One rivalry in particular stands out to me in terms of longevity, pure competitive zeal and using nearly every trick in the book for the upper hand: the epic cola war between Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) and Pepsico (NYSE: PEP).

Both of these companies have made great investments over the years, both offer solid growing dividend yields, and both excel in a particular niche. However, going forward, I think one of these companies has the edge on the other as an investment. Continue reading "Coke Vs. Pepsi: By The Numbers"

The 'Secret' Reason To Sell Your Tesla Shares Now

By: Joseph Hogue of Street Authority

Everybody loves a lottery ticket. People will weekly put down their hard-earned money for a 1-in-175 million chance of being rich.

And that is the kind of fervor that has driven shares of Tesla Motors (Nasdaq: TSLA) up more than 450% over the past year. Sure, the automaker is increasing production and profits are increasing, but there is nothing that can explain the surge in the stock price like good old-fashioned irrational exuberance. Continue reading "The 'Secret' Reason To Sell Your Tesla Shares Now"

Is the national love affair with the automobile over?

Driving in America has stalled, leading researchers to ask: Is the national love affair with the automobile over?

After rising for decades, total vehicle use in the U.S. the collective miles people drive peaked in August 2007. It then dropped sharply during the Great Recession and has largely plateaued since, even though the economy is recovering and the population growing. Just this week, the Federal Highway Administration reported vehicle miles traveled during the first half of 2013 were down slightly, continuing the trend. Continue reading "Is the national love affair with the automobile over?"