Operation Christmas Child - INO Cares

How do you pack an enormous amount of love and joy into something as small as a shoebox? It hasn't been difficult for INO.com and the Duffey Memorial Methodist Church Youth Group in Moorefield, West Virginia.

Operation Christmas Child Packing PartyThis is the second year that INO.com has funded a major portion of this holiday project for this amazing group of kids. Read about their packing party last year. This year, they managed to pack and deliver 143 boxes to the Operation Christmas Child organization!

Operation Christmas Child, an organization centered in the Christian faith, will deliver these boxes, packed with love and basic necessities, to impoverished children in more than 100 countries around the world. This is a program that anyone can participate in. If you pack 1 box or 100, you will make a special child smile... there is probably no better gift that you will receive this holiday season.

We are happy to help this youth group deliver love all across the world!

Warm holiday wishes,

Lindsay Bittinger
The INO Cares Team