AAMC NICU - INO Cares August 2015

This month, our Director of External Advertising, Kenny Shay, picked our INO Cares recipient. Kenny thought long and hard about who in our community needed our help. He found himself torn between a few causes, but decided that he wanted to share some love with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland.

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When Kenny’s first daughter, Kendall, was born in February of 2014, she spent some time in the NICU at AAMC. In what is a confusing and stressful time for the whole family, the staff, especially the NICU nurses, provided genuine care and comfort. He was so touched by the amazing treatment that he and his daughter received that he wanted INO to show our support for the nurses, the NICU babies, and their families.

For The Nurses
Long shifts and late hours makes coffee a necessity. We purchased Starbucks gifts cards to pay for those all important coffee runs for the NICU staff.

For The Babies
We went on a shopping spree to provide the NICU with newborn outfits for their little patients. We purchased the girls and boys some seasonal and everyday outfits and made sure to send some Soothie pacifiers for some sweet comfort.

For The Parents
AAMC's NICU has an amazing Journey Bead program. This program provides bracelets to the mothers of these bitty babies. As their child hits NICU milestones, the mothers are given beads for their bracelets to mark these significant moments. When their bracelet is finished, their babies are ready to go home. INO.com was happy to provide a donation to help fund this program.

Kenny knows how difficult this time is for the parents and also realizes how emotional and physically exhausting a NICU job must be.

Thank you to the staff at AAMC NICU. It takes so much strength and love to provide relief for vulnerable babies and parents during such a critical time. We appreciate what you do for the families in our community! We hope that our gift basket helped brighten your day and helped to provide some goodies for the parents and babies in your NICU. You all truly do something so wonderful.

If there are any causes that are important to you, please tell us about them! We’d love to pick organizations nominated by our blog visitors for next year’s INO Cares campaign.

Lindsay Bittinger
INO.com, Inc.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - INO Cares

We are so happy to kick off the second year of our INO Cares campaign! Last year, we made donations to 15 nonprofit organizations and our employees got into the action - repairing houses, feeding the hungry, cycling and running to raise awareness for their favorite causes. What amazing experiences we had and we know that 2015 is going to be even more incredible.

This year, I thought it was important to ask our employees to nominate charities and organizations that were close to their hearts. We hope that you'll enjoy meeting some of our employees, hearing their stories and learning about some fantastic nonprofit organization in our area, the United States and throughout the world.

Diane Phillips is our Director of Operations here at INO.com. Diane is a mother of 2 and a grandmother to 7. Her grandchildren are her world and she always has a story to share about her little cuties with her fellow colleagues.

Given her love for children, Diane wanted INO Cares to give to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for January!

St. Jude is a not-for-profit hospital that provides treatment to children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases and boasts one of the highest survival rates for some of the most aggressive pediatric cancers. Patients at St. Jude and their families will not receive bills for treatment, travel, housing or food due to the charity of individuals who cover their $2 million per day operating cost.

We are proud to make St. Jude Children's Research Hospital our INO Cares January recipient!

If you know of a charity or organization that could use some help, please share it with me. We'd love to help support organizations that our blog visitors are passionate about as well!


Lindsay Bittinger
INO.com, Inc.

Operation Christmas Child - INO Cares

How do you pack an enormous amount of love and joy into something as small as a shoebox? It hasn't been difficult for INO.com and the Duffey Memorial Methodist Church Youth Group in Moorefield, West Virginia.

Operation Christmas Child Packing PartyThis is the second year that INO.com has funded a major portion of this holiday project for this amazing group of kids. Read about their packing party last year. This year, they managed to pack and deliver 143 boxes to the Operation Christmas Child organization!

Operation Christmas Child, an organization centered in the Christian faith, will deliver these boxes, packed with love and basic necessities, to impoverished children in more than 100 countries around the world. This is a program that anyone can participate in. If you pack 1 box or 100, you will make a special child smile... there is probably no better gift that you will receive this holiday season.

We are happy to help this youth group deliver love all across the world!

Warm holiday wishes,

Lindsay Bittinger
The INO Cares Team

Ride For The Rivers - INO Cares

INO's Office LocationWe are so lucky to work in such a beautiful location. One side of our office building overlooks a thriving marina with fisherman constantly going in and out of port, while the other side of our building has the most beautiful view of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Seeing river otters, blue heron and bald eagles are not a rare occurrence here.

Our building also houses the office of the West/Rhode Riverkeeper. This non-profit organization is a licensed member of Waterkeeper Alliance, an international movement of on-the-water advocates who patrol and protect 100,000 miles of rivers, streams and coastlines in North and South America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa. The Riverkeeper’s goal is to enforce environmental law, promote restoration and to advocate for better environmental policies.

Our beautiful office view would not be as beautiful without the hard work of organizations like the West/Rhode Riverkeeper!

For our May INO Cares campaign, INO.com sponsored a riding team for the West/Rhode Riverkeeper’s first annual “Ride For The Rivers” on May 10th, 2014. Proceeds for this event went to help the West/Rhode Riverkeeper in its efforts to keep the local waterways fishable, swimmable and clean.

This awesome event took riders through the rolling countryside of two of Maryland’s southern counties and followed up with a post ride party!

Adam Hewison, INO.com CEO and President, is an avid biker, so this event was extra special for him. He got out there for the 60-miler and had an absolute blast! Our sponsored INO riding team consistent of 25 riders from the Annapolis area. We hope they all had a blast and will continue to support this awesome cause year after year!

Enjoy the photo slideshow of the “Ride For The Rivers”!