Got Oil? Two Compelling Reasons To Consider It

By: Scott Andrews of Master The Gap

Trading is full of counter-intuitive ironies.  Some of my favorites include:

"the best time to buy is when everyone else is selling"

 "you can not make money, without risking money"

 "to make more, you need to trade less" 

 "you CAN go broke taking profits (too early)"

And here's a lesser known one: Continue reading "Got Oil? Two Compelling Reasons To Consider It"

Why Fading The Opening Gap Is The Ideal Setup for Me

I recently had the opportunity to sit down to dinner with Scott Andrews from, and at the end of the dinner I honestly said to myself, this guy has got something here. Now there's a lot of "gap" research and insight out there, but Scott takes it to a different level. So if you have some time, please read his article, fire away with the comments, and visit his site


If you are looking to become a serious trader, there are two critical questions that you must answer; “What is my primary trade setup?” and “What is my edge?”

When I started out, it seemed like every book, every website, and every trader touted a different setup – each with its own merits. But I knew that I needed a trade that fit “me” and my trading personality.  After lots of searching and introspection I settled on fading (i.e. trading the opposite direction of) the opening gap in the indices (e.g. S&P 500, Dow 30, Nasdaq 100, Russell 2000). Not only do opening gaps occur daily and offer significant profit opportunity,but they have an inherent directional bias. In fact, over 70% of gaps will retrace from their opening price back to the prior session closing price that very same day, often in the first hour of trading.
Continue reading "Why Fading The Opening Gap Is The Ideal Setup for Me"