Stocks Fall Ahead of Trump's Congressional Speech

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. The stock market retreated Friday as a poor set of European corporate earnings compounded investor nervousness before President Trump's speech before Congress next week. Gold has extended its rally higher as the dollar has edged lower.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

U.S. stocks are falling across the board with the three major indexes all lower. The Dow, which was down 0.26 percent at 1:39 p.m. in New York, has hit daily highs for the past 10 sessions, its longest streak since 1987.

Key levels to watch next week:
S&P 500 (CME:SP500): 2,285.38
Dow (INDEX:DJI): 20,002.81
Gold (FOREX:XAUUSDO): 1,231.91
Crude Oil (NYMEX:CL.J17.E): 54.94
U.S. Dollar (NYBOT:DX.M17.E): 99.55

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz and