Do you know how your trading is taxed?

By: Traders Accounting

Traders spend a lot of time and money learning their trade. They take courses to learn how to make money in the market and realize their dreams of working for themselves. While traders try to learn about every aspect of their trading strategies they often overlook one important area. This frequently overlooked area is one which can cost a trader a significant amount of their hard earned profits.  If you have not guessed it yet we are referring to taxes. Many traders don’t fully understand how their trading activities will be taxed until they have received their tax bill and it is too late. This article will supplement your trading education by explaining the tax treatment of many commonly traded instruments.

Stocks, Stock Options, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and Options on ETFs: Continue reading "Do you know how your trading is taxed?"

Seven Gold and Uranium Juniors with Near-Term Growth You Can't Ignore

The Mining Report: The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) global index dropped 50% during the past year. Where is the silver-gold lining in this cloud?

Joe Mazumdar: Financing risk for the junior mining sector was highly elevated, to say the least, in 2013 and remains a source of uncertainty in 2014. To reduce the risk of financing a project, we seek projects that generate double-digit returns in the current pricing environment. We also look for management teams with the technical capacity to not only build and operate a mining project, but also to successfully execute the business plan, which includes permitting the project and attracting good personnel. We want to mitigate the technical and execution risks inherent in a project by selecting these management teams. As senior management cannot mitigate all risks such as geopolitical and financing risk, we seek projects in manageable jurisdictions where the management has appreciable relevant experience. Another key is that the underlying asset requires a manageable or "bite-sized" upfront capital requirement. Continue reading "Seven Gold and Uranium Juniors with Near-Term Growth You Can't Ignore"

How To Profit From The Polar Vortex

To profit from the short-term openings the market hands you, it takes the right strategy.

That's a lesson I had to learn after correctly predicting that the U.S. would be in for a remarkably cold winter. Though temperatures in much of the U.S. have fallen to the lowest levels in years, the stock picks I suggested simply didn't have enough leverage to weather as I anticipated. As I noted in late December, those picks rose only modestly as winter dug in, even as natural gas-focused exchange-traded funds (ETFs) fared a lot better.

The explanation is straightforward. As I noted last month, "Many energy traders don't trust quick moves in energy prices, and they assume that profit-taking will soon ensue. If gas prices move back below $4 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf), then these companies will generate a lesser benefit."

Since then, natural gas prices have kept surging, and these stocks still haven't budged much.

Yet a change in the weather provides a shot at redemption. Those rapidly surging ETFs appear set to reverse course, and you can even invest in this strategy without initiating a short sale. Continue reading "How To Profit From The Polar Vortex"

Forget Gold: Demand Favors This Precious Metal

By: Jim Woods of Street Authority

Gold is getting hammered, and the pain in the sector is putting gold bulls in a panic. The yellow metal is down more than 27% year to date, and in just the past month, gold prices have tumbled more than 7%.

​The latest decline in gold came on Tuesday, when it traded lower by as much as 2.7%, breaking down below very weak support levels around $1,225. About the only hope for gold longs here is to pray for a bad jobs number Friday, as that may keep the Federal Reserve from tapering sooner rather than later. Continue reading "Forget Gold: Demand Favors This Precious Metal"