Is Apple About To Buy Netflix?

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. The buzz around Wall Street this morning is that Apple is going to buy Netflix. As you probably know, Apple has a huge cash hoard rumored to be somewhere around the $200 billion level. Netflix is worth perhaps 40 or $50 billion, so it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see how a deal like this could work. Apple wants to move into the content and distribution space and Netflix might just be the vehicle to do that.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL): Here is the rundown on Apple, several days ago Warren Buffett purchased Apple stock as he thought it was undervalued. Based on the Trade Triangles I'm on the sidelines in having taken a small loss of $3.39. Technically the $104 level should present a major barrier for Apple. One thing to remember, this is only a rumor and it is not supported by a strong technical picture. The biggest concern I have is the current lack of innovation by the company. In my opinion, without innovation a tech company like Apple is going to have a hard go of it. Continue reading "Is Apple About To Buy Netflix?"

Crude Oil Triggers A Sell Signal and Tesla Blows Away Skeptics

Hello MarketClub members everywhere!

Well, here we are, the 1st of April and I don't have an April fools joke to share with you. Q1 will go down in history as one of the best first quarters since the 1930s. So what propelled this market to push so much on the upside in Q1? To be honest with you I'm not sure; maybe it was the prospect of ongoing cheap money from the FED or something else. When you look at hedge fund managers and other professional traders, nobody was expecting such a strong quarter. Now that Q1 is in the record books it is time to start looking at what is ahead for this the stock market.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

In today's video, I will be analyzing crude oil (NYMEX:CL.K16.E), which triggered a sell signal and Tesla Motors Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) which triggered a buy signal today. I will also be covering the usual suspects. Continue reading "Crude Oil Triggers A Sell Signal and Tesla Blows Away Skeptics"