Optimism For Greece - Can It Last?

It started in the Far East and was immediately picked up by the European stock markets with many of them soaring over 3% for the day. All of which was overshadowed by the Athens Stock Index which was up over 8%. Can anyone say happy days are here again?

It would appear to this observer that the world wants a positive outcome from this self-induced Greek tragedy.

Last week, on Thursday to be exact, you may remember buy signals were triggered on the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ based on the Trade Triangle technology. That signal did not apply to the Dow which remains a laggard. The Dow could join the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ should it trade above 18,169 this week. As of this writing, the DOW is about 30 to 40 points away from giving a buy signal based on the Trade Triangle technology. Continue reading "Optimism For Greece - Can It Last?"