Looking At Silver for All the Wrong Reasons

Late in 2009 a lot of folks began asking us about buying silver instead of gold. At the time, we stated exactly how we felt, in that, why would you try to buy something that is not in the same league as gold? The two markets are completely different and are driven by a different set of emotions and fundamentals.

This is the first video that I've done on silver in quite some time, but I think it's an important one for you to see.

One of the standout features that I noticed was the fact that when gold was making new all-time highs in early December, silver failed to take out the March 2008 high. I consider this to be a negative.

In this short video you will very quickly see how we feel about silver and how you can benefit from looking at this market from a different perspective.

As always our videos are free to watch and there are no registration requirements.

I hope you find this video both informative, educational, and enjoyable and that you have time to comment on blog about this video.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

11 thoughts on “Looking At Silver for All the Wrong Reasons

  1. Adam,

    I know that you sometimes indicate "if/then" levels, so what would it take for silver to turn positive on the monthly triangle?

    While I concur with negative daily and even weekly signals, I still find it surprising that silver is the only one of the precious metals to flash a bearish signal on the longer-term monthly triangles.

    It fell more than the others, but just wondering what it would take to turn positive on that indicator.


  2. Hello. Will you be posting anything about the perfect portfolio webinar. I got hung up at work and was so disappointed to miss it. Love your work.

  3. Some great insights here... thanks. I tend to find my money returns better profits elsewhere.

  4. Adam,

    Thank you for your videos. I have enjoyed watching these videos. I want to make a suggestion.

    I have looked at trade triangles for DJI, INX, GOLD and SILVER. It seems that you only issue about 2-3 monthly trade triangles for a year on average. I look at monthly triangles are important sigal. The problem is when I receive monthly trade triangle alerts. most of them are old ones, which does not impact much on my trading.

    Would you add date/time stamp for email alerts with monthly/weekly trade triangle?? That way, I can take action promptly/quickly for your alerts. This is the matter of communicating effectively for your members. Right now I have to scan my portifolio on daily basis, and see if there is new trade triangle issused today, and I have to do this almost everyday. Would you also add a search function for monthly trade triangle within defined time frame?

    I really like your chart analysis for gold. I think your analysis will be historical, your forecast for gold will be historical as well. I will be willing to look back your analysis by the end of 2011. I guess Gold surge will be final results of debt bubble.

    Assuming gold surge is true, then if we think about its implications for the broad market as well as supporting basis for its reasons. We can see it is going to be a turning point for market as well. I guess it is reasonable to say that next 2-3 years will be active traders market, it may not be for buy-hold style. Would you do a similar chart analysis for both DJI and INX?

    Thank you so much.

    1. George,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Your analysis that the markets are only for active traders was confirmed this morning by no other than Goldman Sachs who today indicated that this is not a buy and hold market.

      As for the trade triangles and in particular the monthly trade triangles. You can scan for monthly trade triangles right now that have occurred in the last day or so. Take a look in MarketClub on the right-hand side you will see a hyperlink that says trade triangles, click on a link and it will take you to a page where you can scan for daily, weekly and monthly trade triangles. If you have any problems just feel free to call our tech support department that will walk you through it. The number there is 1-800-538-7424.

      All the best,

    2. These are great suggestions George for improvements and I hope that MarketClub will consider them.


  5. One note, the time frames between highs appears to be around 22-24 months which would indicate some sideways action until another high around February-April 2011. Perhaps a smal decline before a push upward but I believe another high will take place Q1 of 2011.

  6. The thing that's missing in the charts is the fact that both gold and silver are highly manipulated. The bullion banks carry huge short positions in gold and JP Morgan carries huge short positions in silver. They have been working very hard to keep the price down in both metals. Gensler of the CFTC has said they will be looking into this in March. I hope they do. Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Report covers this extensively, the report is free and comes Tuesday through Saturday. He usually links to Ted Butler's comments about silver in these reports.

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