Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your 1 p.m. market update for Thursday, the 15th of September.

A rogue trader loses two billion dollars for UBS! Are you kidding me?! Here's a major bank that wants your money and one guy blows $2 billion! Where was the supervision? Where were the risk controls for the bank?

Where I trade, you could never get away with that kind of economic garbage. I guess the question is, who was minding the store when all this happened? The next question would be, is this the tip of the iceberg? This huge loss of $2 billion is miniscule compared to the losses the banks have on their books with foreclosures and sub-prime mortgages.

Well, it would seem as though this is the week for losses.

The company, Solyndra, that was backed by the current administration to the tune of $523 million, just declared bankruptcy twelve months after they were given the government loan. That equates to a burn rate of over $40 million a month. That's faster and more than the .com companies were burning through in 2000.

Does anybody really think the problems with Greece are over? None of the politicians will ever have the courage to admit that they are up a creek without a paddle. The answer it seems from every politician is to tax, tax, and tax more. In the case of Greece, we are going to see the people that have any wealth whatsoever leave the country. Taxes don't solve problems. People, businesses and entrepreneurs solve problems.

There is not one government program that I can think of that is (1) efficient and (2) successful.

All this talk about massive losses and taxes is quite depressing, so let's lighten the mood and go to the 6 major markets we track every day and see how we can create and maintain your wealth in 2011.

S&P 500
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Negative
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Positive
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Positive
Combined Strength of Trend Score = + 70

The S&P 500 index has now rallied back to an area that would provide sufficient resistance to turn it to the downside. The 1200 to 1204 area was the last rally high and we expect this area to curtail the current rally. The next level of major resistance is the 1222 to 1230 area. We would be surprised to see the market reach that level. Long-term traders should continue to be short or be out of the market completely, and in a cash position. Intermediate term traders should be on the sidelines waiting for either a buy, or sell signal based on our Trade Triangle technology.

Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Positive
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Positive
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Negative
Combined Strength of Trend Score = + 55

The silver market is now in an oversold condition and we expect that it will find some support around current levels. Both our long-term monthly Trade Triangle and our intermediate term weekly Trade Triangle are positive and traders should be looking for a place to be a buyer on this current weakness. The silver market continues to remain in a long term up trend. However, the short term daily Trade Triangle is negative. With a Chart Analysis Score of + 55 it would appear that this market is in a trading range. We want to watch this market very carefully over the next few days and are looking for an area to add to long positions. Intermediate and longer term traders should maintain long positions in this market with appropriate stops.

Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Positive
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Positive
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Negative
Combined Strength of Trend Score = + 55

The gold market has now pulled back to the $1,781.49 area, which is a 61.8% Fibonacci retracement. The gold market is now in an oversold condition and we expect to see this market have a balance in the next day or two. With both our long-term and our intermediate term Triangles positive, we expect the longer-term trend to once again resume to the upside. With a Chart Analysis Score of + 55 it would appear that the gold market is in a near-term trading range. Providing that our monthly and weekly Trade Triangles remain intact, we want to approach this market from the long side. The Williams % R is in an oversold condition. The $1,850 level is resistance for gold, at the moment. Support comes in around the $1,780 and extends all the way down to $1,750. Looking at the market, it would appear as though we may have put in a double top. This will only be confirmed with a close below the $1,750 level. Intermediate and long-term traders should maintain long positions with the appropriate money management stops in place.

Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Negative
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Positive
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Positive
Combined Strength of Trend Score = + 70

The crude oil market continues to tease us with its sideways action. While this market has been trending to the upside, we want to pay particular attention to the uptrend line from August 9th through today. We do not think that the crude oil market is ready to go higher based on our long-term monthly Trade Triangle, which continues to be negative for this market. The $90 a barrel resistance continues, as the market has had a difficult time moving over that area and maintaining a positive close above that zone. Look for crude oil to continue to move in a sideways to lower manner.

Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Positive
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Positive
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Negative
Combined Strength of Trend Score = + 75

The pullback in the dollar index today was, in our opinion, a perfect buying opportunity as the original breakout for this market was 76.10. So far today the low has been 76.06. The old adage and technical trading is that form of resistance levels now become support levels. We think this is true in the case of the dollar index. Longer-term, this market looks poised to move much higher. This index is coming from a large energy field that is capable of carrying it much higher, possibly up to the 80.00 area.
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Negative
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Positive
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Negative
Combined Strength of Trend Score = - 75

The Reuters/Jefferies CRB index is not immune to the current pullback we're seeing in the other markets. We are not yet in an oversold condition. We expect that we will see this market trade down to the 330 level and possibly down to the 326 level, which represents a 61.8% Fibonacci retracement. With a Chart Analysis Score of - 75, this index is trapped in a trading range and is starting to possibly build an energy field to move higher. We would recommend trading this market using the Williams % R indicator and the Donchian Trading Channels. Long-term traders should remain short this index. Intermediate and short term traders should be out of this market and on the sidelines at the present time.
As always, we rely on our market proven Trade Triangle technology for catching the big moves.
As we are coming to the end of this week I would like you to ask yourself this question, IS PERSONAL COACHING RIGHT FOR ME?

Give us a call today at 877–219–1482 for a free consultation and see if personal coaching is right for you.

But first, watch my personal invitation to you about one-on-one coaching:


This is Adam Hewison for MarketClub and I'll see you tomorrow, right here at 1pm. Have a great trading day.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

24 thoughts on “LOSSES EVERYWHERE!

  1. Ok Were all screwed, what is real isn't, and what isn't isn't...just live the best you can and get what you can to enjoy your life. What documents were made to protect us now are being shredded...good luck and superior being bless us...

  2. I think what Phil Gramm meant to say is that "Americans are squealer's" (referencing of course a scene from the movie Deliverance)... we all know how that turned out.

  3. "Americans are whiners".... Phil Gramm, author of the act to remove Glass-Steagall,... Vice Chairman, Investment Bank Division of UBS, one of the organizations that profited GREATLY from the removal of G.S..... GEZZZ

  4. Thanks, Ted. Finally someone without the blinders and built in Ayn Rand bias. In general govt programs are no much different than any large corporation's screwups. I have always been amazed that these huge corporations are actually surviving, let alone thriving with all their inefficiencies and outright fraud.

  5. Businesses can do no harm. Government sucks.

    Just to prove Adam's point, here's a list of businesses who, thanks to their never ending pursuit of greater and greater "efficiencies," go down in the record books as having solved some of the most daunting problems facing human kind:

    Union Carbide Indian Limited (of Bophal Disaster fame)
    MERS, Inc. (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.)

    Here's a few of the government entities/projects who's inefficiency will go down in history as complete wastes of time, effort, and capital:

    Space Race
    ARPANET (The forerunner to the Internet)
    World Health Organization Polio Eradication Campaign

  6. Lance,
    Everyone is scrambling to stop the carnage that has occurred because the Repubs (Senate 54-46) (only one Demo and 1 independent voted to remove)removed Glass-Steagall from law in 1999. Check out what happened when the Demo's made it law in 1934 (the market bottomed within four months and never looked back). And, as was explained by Arturo, Gramm ("Americans are wieners") led the charge... Few know that the Repubs did this.. When the average citizen connects the dots, they will throw the Repubs out, just as they did in 1932...






  8. Hey SUNDAY its simple i use http://www.stockcharts.com for free charts I load daily settings with indicators w%R,full stochastics ,price channels. What i recently found was a trend using SOXL and INDU dow chart was that whenever SOXL registered extreme overbought or oversold the overall markets(dow sp500 changes direction next few days)
    whats interesting about it is looking at indu(dow)chart there looks like ther could be plunty more upside in the chart with W%R and price channels.
    so the thing i'm hoping is we can tell when there are short periods of time reversals but keeping eye on uup dollar chart is important also imo .dollar down market up,dollar up market down.
    but using SOXL w%R chart for extreme oversold and overbought conditions might help us quess when market might change direction in the short time frames . using soxl w%R in the middle is pure guessing and impossible to judge. so use the extreme high low W%R for safety reasons

  9. Yeah, right eye wink wink, that's all the politicians want to do is tax, tax, tax! Huh? Oh, yeah. No President in the history of this country has lowered taxes as much as President Obama. Huh? Well yeah, he extended Bush's tax cuts then added more to boot. Come again? Well yeah, the stock market historically does better when Democrats are in office and when Clinton raised taxes on the rich the stock market and economy took off like wild fire. Oh yeah, and President Obama's jobs bill has even MORE tax cuts in it. Say what?-- right big corporations like GE use tax loop holes to pay very little if anything in taxes and yet the economy is still in trouble. If taxes were the issue, when Bush first lowered them some 10 years ago, we should have had a roaring economy. And when President Obama lowered them even more, the economy should have taken off because it's all about taxes, right eye wink wink. What? Well right, no business owner has ever hired even one person because of tax breaks. Businesses don't hire because of tax breaks, they hire to keep up with growing demand for their products and services. But!!!! They still are politicians and all they EVAR want to do is raise taxes, right eye wink wink. Now I gotta go grab me pick up and me god, gold, and guns, and go to the tea party tax protest rally. What? Why am I protesting high taxes when taxes are even lower than they've been over the last 4 republican administrations? Why to show solidarity with other pick up driving Americans, right eye wink wink.

  10. Rogue Trader blows $2B at UBS investment bank?

    I'll give you ONE guess who is Vice Chairman at UBS' investment bank division.

    Drum roll please.........................

    The Prince of De-Regulation, The Master of Destruction, The one person who should be strung and hung for destroying so many AMERICAN lives, right here at home.........

    Yes folks, it's Buggs Bunny.

    Just kidding, it's the great Phil Gramm, UBS Vice Chairman, Investment Bank division.

    I'm all for beating the **** out of this character. Who want's to join me?

    (edited for content-Jeremy)

  11. that's a good observation, and it may be correlated to the phase of the economic cycle as tech sector tends to do well in the early phase of recession.

  12. Ted,
    You missed saying one important thing... All of them were brought by the Democrats with great resistance from the Republicans... That is shared by a kid who grew up in poverty and lived to enjoy a few of them after surviving his obligation to the military under the draft back in the middle 60's and finished college under the G.I. bill... All of them were damned important and they laid the foundation for the great country that we are, despite the stupidity that we have witnessed since the "Republican Revolution"....

  13. Hey guys I found something cool today and wanted to share with ADAM and fellow traders here because I think it has value.
    I took the spy(S@P500)etf chart and SOXL(3x bull semiconductor etf) and what I found interesting and of value(what I believe) is that the soxl 3x using WILLIAMS % R indicator that the soxl always fortells what

    the dow,S@P were going to do next. So when 3x SOXL registers overbought (like today) or oversold prior to dow,s@P whix do not appear to be anywhere near overbought on W%R. so if this works a correction in dow sp is looming because soxl is registering overbought already even though dow sp are not overbought.

    also i know markets can remain overbought and oversold for long periods of time plus if fed does QE whatever then this may be null and void. But if you compare the charts whenever soxl registers extreme overbought oversold then the other markets dow sp etc change direction wether they are overbought oversold.
    so this might help us traders possibly find short term tops bottoms before they change direction. later good luck see how this goes

  14. Successful and Efficient Govt. Programs, really, Adam you can't think of ANY ? Just off the top of my head:

    National Security: 1. U.S. Army and Marine Corps. 2. WWII and the Cold War. 3. The nuclear non-proliferaqtion treaty. 4. U.S. contributions to the U.N.’s World Health Organization’s successful effort to eradicate smallpox worldwide (they did).

    Education: 1. University of California (e.g., Berkeley and UCSD). 2. Pell grants for college for low-income citizens. 3. The GI bill.

    Public Infrastructure: 1. Interstate highway system. 2. Hoover Damn and the Lincoln Tunnel. 3. Rural electrification.

    Environment: 1. Clean Water Act. 2. Clean Air Act. 3. Sulfer emissions cap and trade system to eliminate acid rain (carbon cap and trade would be modelled on it).

    Social Insurance: 1. Social Security (It is a myth that it is going bankrupt; it’s on a sounder footing than any other USG program). 2. Medicare (yes, it is going bankrupt, but it controls costs better than the private insurance sector. Also, it has administative costs equal to 2% of total program costs; Most private insurers are around 20%. 3. The Earned Income Tax Credit (originally Milton Friedman’s idea).

    Financial Stability/Consumer Protection: 1. Federal bank deposit insurance. 2. Glass Steagal Act (repealled in 1999 by a lapdog Congress). 3. The banning of lead in consumer products, probably the most underrated contribution to human health in American history.

    Justice: 1. The Civil Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. 2. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

  15. Well said Adam... there have been three periods in this country economically over a little more than 100 years... 1900-1929, 1932-1980 and 1980 until the present. We've been were we currently are in 1929 and the cause was the same, monopolized highly risky, highly leveraged trading and the same morons were the cause... Geeezzz! A little act called Glass-Steagall stopped that action in 1934 and the market bottomed and never looked back. That is, until the morons removed that act from law in 1999... And here we are again... Go figure, aye?

  16. " None of the politicians will ever have the courage to admit that they are up a creek without a paddle. The answer it seems from every politician is to tax, tax, and tax more. In the case of Greece, we are going to see the people that have any wealth whatsoever leave the country. Taxes don’t solve problems. People, businesses and entrepreneurs solve problems."

    Amen Adam!

  17. Solyndra, that was backed by the Current Administration to the tune of $523 million, just declared bankruptcy twelve months after they were given the government loan. That equates to a burn rate of over $40 million a month. Hello taxpayers?

  18. Solyndra, that was backed by the Current Administration to the tune of $523 million, just declared bankruptcy twelve months after they were given the government loan. That equates to a burn rate of over $40 million a month.

  19. Although the long term trend is bearish, it seems that the market is on a short term uptrend...just emotional reaction to European promises, right?
    I'm still bearish in my positions and looking for more bad news to hit the financial markets.

    I have a question...which option in Smart Scan could I use to match a MACD indicator for potential near-term uptrend and downtrend reversals?

  20. Hi guys! First of all i wanna say that market club is the best THING I've ever seen in my life! I can't even describe in words how I feel because I do know Adam had to put a lot of time, sweat and money into this project. I wish someday I can see him and give a big hug and say thank You for all he is giving to the people 🙂 I'm not a full memeber on market club because I'm trying to simplify and get together my trading plan. There is so much information on this site even if You're not an member that it makes me feel ashamed because it's for free... In a couple of days I want to be a full member and You can't imagine how excited I am. Hope my english is not that bad 😉

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