This Rally Will Come To An End Very Soon

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. It's Friday and a lot is going on in the markets. I believe that the sharp rally in the indices will fizzle out in the next five days and they will move into a trading range before heading lower.

The reason I say that is because all three major indices are in what I call "thin air". What that means is that they are all above their 50% Fibonacci retracement levels and close to their 61.8% major resistance areas.

Here are the areas for the DOW, NASDAQ and the S&P 500. Continue reading "This Rally Will Come To An End Very Soon"

How To Improve Your Trading In February

Hello traders and MarketClub members everywhere! Welcome to the new trading month of February.

Today, I am going to do something a little bit different, I hope you enjoy the experience and find it educational and informative. To start with, I am going to analyze a static chart of the stock of Applied Materials, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMAT).

In addition to posting a single static chart on the blog, I am also going to be doing a video of that same chart. The video is short, to the point, and explains how I analyze stocks using the tools in MarketClub.

Today's in-depth analysis of Applied Materials shows a confluence of technical indicators that do not add up to a positive outlook for this stock. Remember, any analysis I do at MarketClub should not be considered a recommendation or an endorsement to buy or sell a particular security.

Click the chart to watch Adam's video analysis of Applied Materials Inc. (NASDAQ:AMAT)

There is an old adage in trading that goes like this, "they slide faster than they glide". Translated, that means stocks go down faster than they go up.

Here are the 8 technical aspects that could spell trouble for Applied Materials. Continue reading "How To Improve Your Trading In February"

Will Amazon (AMZN) Make It To $400?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 1st of November.

Last month was a great month for many investors, myself included, as all of my stocks moved in a favorable direction. I see little reason to change my analysis of the markets as I expect them to continue to move higher in November. This is partly due to the Fed continuing with its $85 billion a month bond buying binge. With Apple's iPad going on sale worldwide today, I see great sales coming for the retail sector as the public buys into the holiday season.

MarketClub's mid-day update for Friday, the 1st of November

One major concern on the horizon is the roll-out of the “Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare), which is going to have an effect on one sixth of the economy here in the United States. So far, the roll-out has been a big disappointment, as many people are seeing potential increases in their insurance rates with this new plan. If rates increase substantially, then that money will be coming out of the economy, which will not necessarily be a good thing. Continue reading "Will Amazon (AMZN) Make It To $400?"

All eyes on Apple as Twitter takes to the road

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 28th of October.

After the bell today, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) reports its earnings and this could be a real bellwether report for the market. With all of our technical indicators pointing in a positive direction, I believe that earnings will be on par or better than expected. I continue to rely on the Trade Triangle technology to stay in this market. Upside objective for Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) continues to remain at the $580-$600 level. Continue reading "All eyes on Apple as Twitter takes to the road"

Apple's Killer New Strategy And Why Everyone Missed It

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 24th of October.

Earlier this week, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) unveiled its new lineup of iPads and Macs that are going to push it into the fourth quarter. One key in the presentation that most observers might have missed while focusing on the products, was the fact that Apple intends to include and provide free software like Pages, Numbers, Keynote, iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand. These software programs are first class and represent some of the company's crown jewels. It's Apple's new strategy to bring more and more new users into Apple's ecosystem. Once in, it is hard to get out and Apple has you for life.

This strategy reminds me of King Gillette, of Gillette shaving and razors. King Gillette's strategy was simple, give away the razor and I will sell you the high-profit razor blades. In Apple's case, the software is the razor, the iPad, iPhone, the Mac and all of the other Apple hardware pieces are the razor blades. Not a bad strategy for Apple in the tablet wars. Continue reading "Apple's Killer New Strategy And Why Everyone Missed It"