Today's Video Update: Countdown To Syria And Other Important Market Elements

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 28th of August.

Countdown To Syria
There's no doubt about it, yesterday's news that the US was going to have a military response to Syria spooked the markets and sent the indices to their biggest loss in some time. Today, the markets are digesting what they went through yesterday. Of course, there are winners and losers in any economy, and tools like MarketClub's Trade Triangles can help you know when to hold and when to fold. Yesterday, I shared with you a major sell signal in Walmart (NYSE:WMT), potentially because of higher oil prices that are on the way.

In today's video, I will also be looking at some stocks that I believe will do well regardless of what happens with this conflict in Syria.

Vote In Our Poll On Syria
This is perhaps one of the most important polls we have conducted on our blog. Vote or leave a comment, pro or con on this impending conflict.

Why Monthly Charts Are Important
Today, I will also be examining several monthly charts and sharing with you why they are extremely important to the individual investor. Monthly charts contain many of the secrets of the market and show you likely market direction in the weeks and months ahead. You will not want to miss watching today's Market Update.

You can hear me talking about retail stocks in a recent interview I did on CNBC. You may enjoy hearing what I have say. Watch it here.

Have a great trading day,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

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One thought on “Today's Video Update: Countdown To Syria And Other Important Market Elements

  1. Oh boy! WAR!! ATTACK! DESTROY! KILL! Never let it be said that kindly good ole' Uncle Sam let a good, potentially profitable, war go to waste!!

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