The Biggest Gold Prediction Of The Year

By:David Goodboy of Street Authority

Whenever I'm faced with a major change in my opinion regarding the market's long-term direction, I think of the English punk band the Clash.

In particular, the 1980s hit "Should I Stay or Should I Go" comes to mind. With apologies to the song's writers:

"Should I buy or should I sell? If I buy, there will be trouble / If I sell, it will be double."

Thinking of these altered lyrics might be a nod to being obsessed with music during my adolescence. It might also be a signal that it's time to make a change. I like to think of them as the latter. Continue reading "The Biggest Gold Prediction Of The Year"

The Hindenburg Omen Is Flashing: Is It Time To Sell?

By: David Goodboy - StreetAuthority

I learned the hard way not to rely purely on technical analysis to make investing decisions.

In the early 1990s, I had built up a decent trading stake by riding the momentum lifting high-tech stocks of the era. Dave, my best friend and the guy who first taught me how to trade, was a die-hard technical analysis proponent who made a small fortune correctly forecasting and buying puts several days prior to the 1987 market crash. He turned his college tuition money into enough capital to trade full time, buy a nice car and not have to worry about working for someone else.

I'll never forget that phone call: Continue reading "The Hindenburg Omen Is Flashing: Is It Time To Sell?"

3 Factors That Could Soon Derail The Bull Market

This article originally appeared on StreetAuthority

These are truly days of wine and roses for stock market investors.

After being knocked down in the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s and again during the financial crisis of 2008, long-term investors are being rewarded for their persistence and dedication as stocks surge higher, breaking record after record.

In fact, this bull market turned 4 years old in March and is showing no signs of letting up.

Historically, the average bull market has lasted 4 1/2 years. In and of itself, this means little; for instance, the 1990s bull market lasted nearly seven years without a major correction.

But according to my research, there are three distinct signs that make me think this bull market may be ending soon. Here's what you need to know. Continue reading "3 Factors That Could Soon Derail The Bull Market"

Supercharge Your Portfolio With These Powerful ETFs

By: David Goodboy - Street Authority

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have revolutionized the way investors approach the financial markets.

No longer are multiple accounts required to access the majority of indexes, currencies and commodities. Now, with a stock brokerage account, the self-directed investor can trade nearly every popular financial instrument with the click of a mouse.

Not only has access been democratized, but leverage has also undergone a revolution. ETFs that provide two and even three times leverage -- meaning they amplify the moves of an instrument or index by a given multiple, in either direction -- are available on a variety of financial instruments.

I'll never forget my first time using triple-leveraged ETFs. My technical research and fundamentals clearly indicated that the SP 500 index, the broad barometer of U.S. stocks, was overextended on the upside. A big drop was on its way, and it was going to happen soon. Continue reading "Supercharge Your Portfolio With These Powerful ETFs"

Beware of the March Effect on the Stock Market

"Beware the Ides of March." This famous line uttered by a soothsayer in William Shakespeare's 1601 play, "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar," warned the ruler of his pending demise on the 15th day of March.

Well, we all know what happened to Caesar.

We could apply this same warning to the stock market today.

In the past few years, every stock rally in the beginning of the each year was met by a sharp sell-off in the spring. Certainly, this doesn't portend to mean the entire year ended badly. In fact, those investors with the foresight to buy during the spring swoons generally ended the year with strong gains. Continue reading "Beware of the March Effect on the Stock Market"