The Hindenburg Omen Is Flashing: Is It Time To Sell?

By: David Goodboy - StreetAuthority

I learned the hard way not to rely purely on technical analysis to make investing decisions.

In the early 1990s, I had built up a decent trading stake by riding the momentum lifting high-tech stocks of the era. Dave, my best friend and the guy who first taught me how to trade, was a die-hard technical analysis proponent who made a small fortune correctly forecasting and buying puts several days prior to the 1987 market crash. He turned his college tuition money into enough capital to trade full time, buy a nice car and not have to worry about working for someone else.

I'll never forget that phone call: Continue reading "The Hindenburg Omen Is Flashing: Is It Time To Sell?"

Dow hits record, erasing Great Recession losses

The stock market is back.

Five and a half years after the start of a frightening drop that erased $11 trillion from stock portfolios and made investors despair of ever getting their money back, the Dow Jones industrial average has regained all the losses suffered during the Great Recession and reached a new high. The blue-chip index rose 125.95 points Tuesday and closed at 14,253.77, topping the previous record of 14,164.53 on Oct. 9, 2007, by 89.24 points.

"It signals that things are getting back to normal," says Nicolas Colas, chief market strategist at BNY ConvergEx, a brokerage. "Unemployment is too high, economic growth too sluggish, but stocks are anticipating improvement."

The new record suggests that investors who did not panic and sell their stocks in the 2008-2009 financial crisis have fully recovered. Those who have reinvested dividends or added to their holdings have done even better. Since bottoming at 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009, the Dow has risen 7,706.72 points or 118 percent. Continue reading "Dow hits record, erasing Great Recession losses"

A Companion For Your Trading Day

A few weeks ago we introduced you to a friend of INO's,  Aamar Shehzad. Today he's going to give our readers a tool that everyone can use daily to improve their trading.

The INO Pivotfarm Data Sheets combine useful market metrics with a very flexible trade journal all on one page. On the market metrics side of things the data sheets include, Market Profile, Fibonacci, Pivot Points, COT Reports, Retail Trader positioning, trend analysis and an Economic calendar. In the center of the data sheet is a fully functional trade journal area that you can use to type in your trades and save to review later. The sheets also contain video news updates inside the PDF! All in all a very valuable tool for 8 markets including Gold, Oil, S&P 500, Nasdaq, Dow Jones. Continue reading "A Companion For Your Trading Day"

POLL: Job Report

If you follow headline news, then we don’t have to tell you about the kind of hit that the recent job report had on the major markets this week. OUCH. Just today the DJI fell 105 points, the S&P 500 lost 10 points, and the Nasdaq fell 21 points. The DOW alone shed over 400 points since Wednesday!

The increase in unemployment has caused major concern for experts, as well as all of us regular ol’ citizens of the USA. The recent job report was a definite letdown, especially for economists who were predicting a rate of improvement from 9% to 8.9%. Yet here we are with an unemployment rate of 9.1%.

Where do you think the US unemployment rate will be at the end of 2011?

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Last Chance!

No one can be successfully accurate at predicting the least not on a regular basis. But when there's an Android Tablet to win, you might as well try!

If you have been following our blog in the last month, then you know all about our prediction challenge. If you haven't already emailed your predictions for the DJI and DX for the end of QE2, do so now! You have until the end of today (11:59 p.m. ET) to submit your winning guess to Je******@in*.com

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