Our Most Important Poll Ever - We Need Your Input

I feel this is the most important poll that we have ever taken on our website. The reason I say that is that we have never faced uncertain times quite like this. Some of you are going to say, "Adam this is a political posting and not market related." I'm going to respectfully disagree with you as it has everything to do with the markets. What is affecting the minds of investors and the market has, in a large degree, everything to do with Ebola and ISIS. You only have to look at what has happened to the markets in the past two or three weeks. There is not a person I've spoken with in the past two weeks who isn’t concerned about Ebola and what's going on in this country. Forget politics, Ebola doesn’t care if you are a Republican, a Democrat, or an independent. Ebola has no political agenda. Continue reading "Our Most Important Poll Ever - We Need Your Input"

Did ISIS, Ebola, And The White House Crash The Market?

Exactly 19 days ago, the Dow was trading at a new all-time high. So how did everything become unraveled in less than three weeks?

In my humble opinion, the complacency that was in most investors' minds was overcome with uncertainty and distrust.

It arrived in the form of three waves.

The first wave was ISIS and their rapid takeover of key areas in the Middle East. This uncertainty was exacerbated and emboldened ISIS further when the president of the United States stated on national TV that "we have no strategy" to deal with ISIS. It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican - you do not expect to hear the president make a statement like that.

The second wave came with the news that Ebola had reached across West Africa to the shores of the United States. This scary news should not have been a problem, however it became a major problem with the conflicting stories about how a nurse who was in fully dressed in protected clothing contracted this deadly disease. To make matters worse, this morning we hear of another nurse who was diagnosed with Ebola. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) so far seem ill-prepared. Not leveling with the American people about what is going on just adds another layer of uncertainty and distrust in government. Continue reading "Did ISIS, Ebola, And The White House Crash The Market?"

Will Ebola Have A Lasting Effect On The Markets?

Everywhere you turn, you see stories and videos about another Ebola outbreak. Major epidemics like the Ebola virus often create trends in healthcare, which can lead to major opportunities for investors.

Here is one stock that has been off the radar for most Wall Street firms, but is my favorite Ebola-related stock right now.

On July 30th of this year, this stock flashed a buy signal based on our Trade Triangle Technology - that was two and a half months ago! Do you remember seeing or reading about Ebola two and a half months ago? I expect not, as the Ebola virus was not front page news like it is now.

Chimerix To The Rescue

The chart below perfectly illustrates the upward trend of this stock. The green monthly Trade Triangle on the chart is where we were first alerted to the beginning of a bull trend for Chimerix, Inc. (NASDAQ:CMRX) on July 30th at $27.32.

Chimerix, Inc. (NASDAQ:CMRX) could have a great deal more room to go on the upside as a result of the Ebola pandemic. I do expect to see volatility in CMRX increase as it climbs a "wall of worry" from current levels. The more news that comes out about the spread or containment of the Ebola virus, the more volatility we could see. Overall, I do believe the trend for CMRX is on the upside and will remain that way for quite sometime. Always protect your capital with solid money management stops. Continue reading "Will Ebola Have A Lasting Effect On The Markets?"