Which Stock Would You Buy?

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. So here's a question for you...

Which stock would you buy, Amazon.com Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) or Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), formally known as Google? Both of these stocks are juggernauts in the Internet world, but now seem to be headed in different directions.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

Let's take a look at Amazon. The stock is pretty amazing and just think, it all started by selling books at a discount to the major retail stores. Now they sell everything under the sun, plus they have technical services that are used by many other companies including Netflix. Continue reading "Which Stock Would You Buy?"

What's Up With Apple?

Since April, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has lost over $113 billion in share value and is now only up about 3 or 4% for the year.

What is going on in the world's most heavily-held stock?

There are some things in life that cannot be explained. People trying to explain the fall in Apple will present logical reasons why, but the reality is, the market's expectations and perceptions often trump common sense.

Reality check: Apple is still a huge company and still making boat loads of money with over $200 billion in cash sitting offshore. Apple is not going to go out of business anytime soon.

Apple's cash cow is the iPhone. Sales growth, while good, is slowing down as the market becomes saturated. The last big market Apple has to conquer is China and that market is getting to be very competitive. Continue reading "What's Up With Apple?"

First It Was Celgene And Now This Stock

I've found another stock for you to look at today, just like Celgene. You need to watch today's video to find out which stock I'm talking about.

But first, it has been quite a week to say the least. A nuclear deal signing with Iran, the Greek situation finally resolved with the German Parliament today voting in agreement to bail out Greece. Just wait, in a few years time I'm sure Greece will come up again as a problem.

The markets are reacting very positively on the upside to all this good news.

The next big worry traders will begin focusing on is a potential rate hike later this year. Whether that comes in September or later is yet to be decided. Who knows, it may not even happen this year.

There are a number of stocks that are doing extremely well and this seems like an ideal time to look at the 52-Week New Highs on Friday Rules. If you're not familiar with these rules, here is what I look for. Continue reading "First It Was Celgene And Now This Stock"

7 Stocks That Are Set To Rip

Today I'm going to be looking at seven stocks that are very close to making a breakout and move to the upside.

As this is a shortened week with no trading on Monday, you will want to pay particular attention to how these stocks close this Friday. All of the stocks are well-known and are setting themselves up for continuation moves.

The seven stocks I will be looking at are: Continue reading "7 Stocks That Are Set To Rip"

2 Strong Sectors With 6 Strong Stocks

Today, I'm going to be looking at 2 strong sectors amongst my 9 sector group that I watch on a constant basis. The 9 sectors I watch are the consumer, service, healthcare, energy, financial, technology, industrial, materials and utility sectors.

Can you guess which 2 sectors are the strongest? Continue reading "2 Strong Sectors With 6 Strong Stocks"