Italy Overtakes Spain As Weakest Link

Lior Alkalay - Contributor - Forex

Among the big four Eurozone economies, i.e. Germany, France, Spain and Italy, it’s clear which two are the growth drivers. Of the others, that is Spain and Italy; Italy was considered to be the more stable. Spain’s bonds were deemed riskier and its banking sector weaker. But that is a thing of the past. As it stands today, Italy has overtaken Spain to become the weakest link among the Eurozone’s largest economies, with a banking sector desperately in need of a bailout. And if Italy’s banking crisis is a rerun of Spain’s, we can certainly expect some troubles in the Eurozone and, consequently, for the Euro.

Spain vs. Italy in Two Charts

When we compare data on the Italian economy vs. the Spanish economy, we can see an interesting picture emerging. When we examine the trend in bankruptcies filed for both economies, it’s clear that both countries had relatively the same trend in bankruptcies until very recently. Bankruptcies in Italy have started to surge while bankruptcies in Spain have been decreasing.

Spain vs. Italy Bankruptcies
Chart courtesy of Tradingeconomics

In the bond markets of the two countries, a clear divergence is occurring. Credit Default Swaps for Spain and Italy, which had moved in tandem in the past (with higher risk premiums for Spain), started to diverge back in 2014. Credit Default Swaps for Italy are now much higher. Continue reading "Italy Overtakes Spain As Weakest Link"

It's more important to the market than the Fiscal Cliff, the sequester and all the debts of Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain combined

The drama of the Fiscal Cliff and the recent sequestration circus, plus the trials and tribulations of these four countries (which have run up huge deficits) have been well documented and known for quite some time. What is more important, in my opinion, is not the size of the debt which is staggering, but rather what is happening in the market and the market's perception of current events.

Market perception trumps everything else out there. Market perception trumps market fundamentals every time. Market perception is the one card that the government cannot control. It is the card that can potentially give the individual trader an edge.

So what is market perception? Well, have you ever noticed that when some big world event happens, or a new "hot" IPO hits the markets (remember FaceBook, Zynga and Groupon?), traders expect that market to go in the talked about direction and typically it does. What doesn't get talked about is how the market then corrects itself and the technicals really come into play.
Continue reading "It's more important to the market than the Fiscal Cliff, the sequester and all the debts of Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain combined"

Today's Video Newsletter: After SEQUESTRATION - 3 Stocks That Are Going to Affect Your Pocketbook!

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 4th of March.

In addition to the markets we normally report on, we will also be looking at the following markets using our Trade Triangle technology.


Hearing the administration talk about the all the terrible effects of sequestration, we may all end up shopping at DOLLAR TREE STORES (DLTR). We will be looking at this stock today to see why it may be a better bet than Dollar General. Continue reading "Today's Video Newsletter: After SEQUESTRATION - 3 Stocks That Are Going to Affect Your Pocketbook!"

Today's Video Newsletter: SEQUESTRATION - Much ado about nothing and 3 stocks to exit right now!!

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 1st of March.

In addition to the markets we normally report on, we will also be looking at the following markets using our Trade Triangle technology.

Dish and broadcasters like CBS have been battling in court for months now, and it is all over the legality of the Hopper, a digital video recorder that allows users to automatically skip all prime-time network ads on television shows. OUCH!!! Continue reading "Today's Video Newsletter: SEQUESTRATION - Much ado about nothing and 3 stocks to exit right now!!"

In Europe it's getting personal...Weekend Update Video

Hello fellow traders everywhere. Adam Hewison here co-founder of MarketClub with your weekend update for the trading week ending on 10/21/11. This week we have two parts to our weekend update. Watch them both here.

Equities mixed as metals fade …

In Europe it's getting personal.

A poll that we conducted on Friday shows that 75% of all traders are closely watching  events in Europe. Here's the reason why.

Here we have Chancellor Merkel of Germany, telling Berlusconi the Prime Minister of Italy, who just happens to be a billionaire, a proud Italian male what to do. For sure there is no love lost between these two, but I'm not sure talking that way to an Italian billionaire, is going to result, in any kind of positive vote. That's why, I have always thought that the European union between different sovereignties, with different values and social structures, was an accident just waiting to happen.

Daily rumors from Europe continue to weigh heavily on the markets around the world. Everyone's euphoric one moment, thinking that a possible agreement is at hand only to find out hours later that everything is in complete disarray. It's just a question of how many lifeboats are available,  when the boat sinks? Continue reading "In Europe it's getting personal...Weekend Update Video"