Positions In Apple and Yahoo Before Today's Earnings

After the close of business today, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) will release their earnings. I thought it would be interesting to share with you how the Trade Triangles are positioned going into the release of their earnings.

As always, expectations are extremely high for Apple. But it's a different picture for Yahoo who is sitting on a $40 billion cash hoard from their stake in Alibaba.

The question will be, how many iPhones did Apple sell and how did the iMac perform in comparison to the previous quarter? Did people opt for the iPhone 6+ or did they simply go with the regular iPhone 6? Continue reading "Positions In Apple and Yahoo Before Today's Earnings"

The King Is Dead, Windows 10 And Do You Want Fries With That?

The big news today is the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The king was hospitalized with pneumonia-like symptoms in late December and died early Friday at the age of 90. It was understood that Crown Prince Salman, King Abdullah's half brother, was the hand-picked successor and has moved quickly to established himself as the new king.

The death of King Abdullah is a game changer in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia, which holds 46% of the world's oil reserves. Saudi Arabia is a major ally of the US, how that changes now is anyone's guess.

Change equals opportunity and make no mistake about it, behind the scenes in Saudia Arabia the knives are out for Crown Prince Salman, who is 79 years old and not in the best of health. Continue reading "The King Is Dead, Windows 10 And Do You Want Fries With That?"

Sector Analysis Can Help Your Trading

Today, I'm going to be looking at nine individual sectors and analyzing each one. I am going show you a quick and easy way to tell which sectors are trending and which ones are stuck in a trading range.

I will also be looking at the top three stocks in each of those sectors that are trending to the upside.

The sectors I will be analyzing are as follows: Continue reading "Sector Analysis Can Help Your Trading"