Covered Puts: An Alternative To Buy and Hold

Options can provide an alternative approach to the traditional buy and hold for the long-term strategy. Options can add value to one’s portfolio in a variety of ways, specifically, maintaining liquidity via maintaining cash to engage in covered put options, initiating positions via being assigned shares strategically prior to or upon expiration of the option contract and capturing premium income via closing out the contract prior to expiration as the shares move in your favor to realize income. Here, I’ll discuss these three different scenarios and strategies behind each one with real life examples.

Maintaining Liquidity and Capturing Premium Income

Maintaining liquidity is integral to any portfolio as cash can be deployed in opportunistic scenarios to capitalize on sell-offs or adding to a long position that has corrected to lower cost basis. Covered puts can be implemented as a means to leverage cash on hand to sell contracts that are covered by cash. This cash would be deployed in an effort to maintain this cash balance yet be put to work via an option contract. This cash reserve can be utilized for selling covered puts thus not purchasing the underlying security with the end goal of never being assigned shares and netting premium income in the process. Once the contract expires, the covered cash allocated to the contract will be freed in addition to the cash that was realized from the option premium at expiration. This scenario will allow cash reserves to be maintained while adding cash via covered put contracts. Continue reading "Covered Puts: An Alternative To Buy and Hold"

Best Quarter Ever For A Bank

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) quarterly earnings pushed well past analysts' expectations, helped by double-digit growth in deposits and record credit card sales. The company reported fourth-quarter earnings of $1.71 vs. estimates of $1.44 per share on revenue of $24.333 billion. It's stock price edged higher in intraday trading this morning, but has backed off the highs this afternoon.

"Our results this quarter were a strong end to another record year, reflecting our intense client focus and solid performance across our businesses," Dimon said in a release, citing a U.S. economy that may be building momentum.

Some in the media have dubbed it, "the best quarter ever for a bank". What do you think?

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

Key levels to watch the rest of the week: Continue reading "Best Quarter Ever For A Bank"

Keep An Eye On The Big Banks And Retail Sales This Week

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. Earning season kicks off with a trio of big banks, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM), Bank of America Corporation (NYSE:BAC) and Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) are all due to release earnings on Friday. Wells Fargo will be in the spotlight after its high-profile stumbles in 2016, including the account-opening scandal that led to the ouster of its CEO and the failure to get its living will approved by regulators. Investors will be watching for how these issues are impacting the bank's financial results.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

On the data side, retail sales will be eyed. The November data showed a slowdown from the previous two months. We'll see if higher consumer sentiment readings translate into a strong month for sales.

Key levels to watch the rest of the week: Continue reading "Keep An Eye On The Big Banks And Retail Sales This Week"

Is It Time To Bail Out Of The Big 3 Banks?

Today I'm going to be looking at the banking sector and the three big banks. Forget their recent earnings announcements and their history – look at the market action, it's telling a whole different story.

The stocks I will be looking at are JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM), The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE:GS) and Bank of America Corporation (NYSE:BAC). I will be looking at each of these stocks individually and showing you a pattern that has proven to be very profitable in the past. Each of these stocks potentially could go a lot lower in Q4 and you should know why. Continue reading "Is It Time To Bail Out Of The Big 3 Banks?"

The Banks Are Back!

Today, I'm going to be looking at the financial sector to see which of the banking stocks look the strongest.

Here is a list of the five stocks I will be analyzing: Continue reading "The Banks Are Back!"