Top Fiat vs Gold in 2022: Focus on Inflation

It is time for my traditional yearly post to find out which fiat could beat the conventional store of value this year.

Let us see below how you predicted the future back at the end of December 2021.

Poll Results

The U.S. dollar was again the favorite bet for many of you. The next choice was the British pound, likely because it finished second in 2021. Among the top three bets, the Canadian dollar was an interesting choice that could be justified by the previous top ranking.

This time I changed the list of currencies to include only the top 5 currencies based on real foreign exchange turnover according to the Bank for International Settlements as per the table below.

OTC Foreign Exchange Turnover By Currency

Source: Bank for International Settlements

The following top 5 fiat currencies are listed in the table above: U.S. dollar (USD), euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY), British pound (GBP) and Chinese yuan (CNY). Continue reading "Top Fiat vs Gold in 2022: Focus on Inflation"

Top Currencies VS. Gold In 2019: Last Man Standing

It’s time to find out in this traditional yearly post if there were any currencies that could beat the mighty gold this year.

7 currencies represent the fiat money: US dollar (USD) and 6 components of the US dollar index (DXY) placed by weight: euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY), British pound (GBP), Canadian dollar (CAD), Swedish krona (SEK) and the Swiss franc (CHF). This time I added the Bitcoin from the crypto-world.

Before we get down to the results of 2019, let us see below how you forecasted the future back at the end of December 2018.


The majority of you again, as last year, bet that the primary currency (USD) would defeat all other rivals to come out on top in 2019. The readers’ geography played a crucial role here. The second choice was the Japanese yen; I guess it was selected as it topped the chart last year.

Bitcoin ranked the third; it was the top loser last year. It looks like some readers watch my Pendulum experiments closely.

Let’s look at the diagram below to find out the results. Continue reading "Top Currencies VS. Gold In 2019: Last Man Standing"

Fiat Majors Vs. Gold In 2018

It’s time for my traditional yearly post about the dynamics of “modern” money (fiat) compared to the “old” or “perpetual” money (gold) in the current year.

Fiat money is represented by 7 currencies: US Dollar (USD) and 6 components of the US Dollar Index (DXY) placed by weight: Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), British Pound (GBP), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Swedish kKrona (SEK) and the Swiss Franc (CHF).

Before we get down to the results of 2018, let us see how did you see the future back at the end of December 2017.


The most of you bet that the king currency (USD) would beat all the rest in 2018. Your second favorite is the single currency (EUR), which is the top rival of USD.

There could be at least two reasons for this ballot result a year ago. The first one is more obvious and is coming from the country distribution of the web traffic as more than half of it comes from the United States. The other reason is also logical as the US Dollar was the top loser last year with -10% and you could bet on it using the knowledge about the “Pendulum effect”, which pushes laggards to the top.

Now let’s move on to the results of 2018. Continue reading "Fiat Majors Vs. Gold In 2018"

Ink + Paper Doesn't Equal Value: Prechter on Fiat Money

By: Elliott Wave International

My dad will turn 84 this year. When he was born, you could walk into a Federal Reserve Bank or the Treasury and redeem your paper money for gold. It actually said you could on every piece of U.S. paper currency:

"Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury, or in Gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank."

You can't do that today, which helps explain why my dad is so grumpy.

But, seriously, I mention my father to make it personal. The move away from the gold standard did happen in the lifetime of some folks who are still around. Is that such a big deal?

Well, it is a big deal when the government unilaterally changes all economic and financial transactions, from having a basis in something, to ... Continue reading "Ink + Paper Doesn't Equal Value: Prechter on Fiat Money"