I didn't bungee jump in New Zealand ... I jumped off the tallest building instead.

My business partner Dave Maher, posted this response to my Gone Fishin blog. "If Adam sends me any photos of himself bungee jumping, I’ll be sure to post them to the blog. Ok Adam?"

I didn't get to bungee jump Dave, but I thought that this was the next best thing. The SKYJUMP in Auckland is a 630 ft thrill jump that I highly recommend to anyone who visits New Zealand.

To all MarketClub members and soon to be members, always remember ... You are never too old to learn how to trade or jump off tall buildings.

Have a great day. It's good to be back. Adam

See how we did trading, corn, wheat, soybeans, crude oil, gold and the dollar index for Q1 of this year.

Q1 - 2009 Results

The first quarter of the year proved to be very challenging for many traders and MarketClub as well. We have been tracking the same six markets for the pat seven quarters now. Although we have had tremendous success with our signals, this quarter we had four markets which presented profits, while two of them produced losses. Not ideal.. but real.

Click on read more to see our results chart and what's coming down the pike

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