Tesla Disappoints And How The Trade Triangles Saved The Day

Yesterday we discussed how the Trade Triangles can help you take advantage of earnings. We had a lively discussion on the blog, with many members asking and explaining how the Trade Triangle technology works during the earnings season.

This morning I randomly picked out four well-known stocks that reported yesterday, they are: Continue reading "Tesla Disappoints And How The Trade Triangles Saved The Day"

3 Trending Tech Stocks To Watch

It is no secret that many tech/Internet stocks have been beaten up over the last several months and that action has pushed the NASDAQ index into a bear market phase. However, not all tech companies are in downtrends. I have three tech stocks that are in decidedly bullish trends and I will be discussing them today.

The first stock I will be looking at is Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). It would seem that Apple had lost its way since Steve Jobs' passing, but yesterday’s closing over $600 puts a little bit more mojo into the stock of Apple. Now remember, this stock is going to split and there's all kinds of things going on with it. The important element for me is the general trend, which according to the Trade Triangles is positive.

The next stock I will be looking at is Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO). While not as sexy as Apple, this stock appears to have good upward momentum and looks to be moving higher from current levels. Continue reading "3 Trending Tech Stocks To Watch"

Tech Stocks Put The Market Under Pressure

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of INO.com and co-creator of MarketClub, with your video update for Monday, the 7th of April.

Last week we saw the tech stocks shave 4% off the value of the NASDAQ index in just 3 days and we are seeing further follow-through selling today. Technically the markets have been in strong bull trends for the last 5 years. Historically, very few bull markets have exceeded that length of time. This bull market may or may not be the exception.

There have been several Internet stocks that I have been talking about on this blog, mainly Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) which I have been bearish on, Twitter (NYSE:TWTR), Yelp (NYSE:YELP), and a host of others and they are all in bearish patterns. Continue reading "Tech Stocks Put The Market Under Pressure"

How To Buy Your Favorite Stock At A Steep Discount

Imagine buying ATT (NYSE: T) for $25 a share, Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO) at $16 or Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) for $20.

And imagine not only buying these or any stock at a much lower price -- but actually being paid to do so.

Sound too good to be true? I know it seems like a dream, but sophisticated investors accomplish this on a regular basis. Here's how... Continue reading "How To Buy Your Favorite Stock At A Steep Discount"

Game On! The Dow Closes Over 16,000

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of INO.com and co-creator of MarketClub, with your video update for Friday, the 22nd of November.

With yesterday's record high close of 16,009.99 in the Dow (INDEX:DJI), it would appear as though the stage is set for further gains in this index. Many of the stocks that make up this index are doing very well, stocks like Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), American Express (NYSE:AXP), Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), Walt Disney (NYSE:DIS), Home Depot (NYSE:HD), JP Morgan (NYSE:JPM) and so on. Only one stock in the Dow 30 Index appears to be in a full negative trend according to the Trade Triangles and that stock is Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO).

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