The Trade Triangles Spotted Trouble With Wells Fargo 12 Months Ago

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. No doubt by now you have heard of all the problems Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) is having in creating fictitious, and I would say illegal accounts. What you probably didn't know is the fact that the Trade Triangles picked up problems with Wells Fargo on August 21, 2015, when the stock was selling at $54.45. That was over 13 months ago, and the news is just now hitting the market.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

The Trade Triangles provide an entirely unbiased opinion of all the markets. Many times people on the inside know there's a problem and that problem manifests itself in price action. That is where the Trade Triangles shine. Continue reading "The Trade Triangles Spotted Trouble With Wells Fargo 12 Months Ago"

Stuck In The Twilight Zone

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. It would seem as though the markets are stuck in a twilight zone not knowing whether to go up or go down. This has been the case for a few months now and when we go through periods like this in the market, one has to say to oneself, "be patient and wait for the opportunities to come up," they always do.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

Today's keyword is patience.

The way to look at the markets when they move into a choppy period is to look at the big trends. The odds favor a resumption of a market's major trend. It doesn't always work out that way, but if you're betting with the odds, it is the way to go.

Here are the major trends for each of the major markets according to the Trade Triangle technology based on last Friday's close. Continue reading "Stuck In The Twilight Zone"

How One Tech Companies Misfortune Was A Blessing For Apple

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. Yesterday's mandatory recall of all of the Samsung's 7 Note devices is a huge blow for Samsung. Up until yesterday, Samsung was trying to recall and replace batteries that were overheating and causing fires and were a danger to the public and transportation systems everywhere. With this news, the stock of Samsung collapsed literally, and Apple's stock price soared.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

What is interesting is that Apple begins delivery of its new iPhone 7 today. I can't help wondering if there wasn't some political maneuvering behind the scenes in this recall move. Yesterday, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a full recall of the Galaxy Note 7 products in conjunction with Samsung. The formal recall covers about 1 million devices.

The exact wording that the US Consumer Products Safety Commission used was as follows: "Consumers should immediately stop using and power down the recalled Galaxy Note 7 devices purchased before September 15, 2016". Samsung's stock price started slipping on September 9 after what has been a pretty good year for this stock. The big question is how much damage has been done to this mega electronics companies reputation and can it come back to its former glory? Continue reading "How One Tech Companies Misfortune Was A Blessing For Apple"

Stocks Tumble On Fear Of Interest Rate Hike

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. Stocks are trading sharply lower today after comments from a Federal Reserve banker suggests that a September rate hike might not be entirely off the table after all.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

In a speech today Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren said that "a reasonable case can be made" for a rate hike, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Those words shook Wall Street, as traders had pretty much written off an interest rate increase at the Fed's Sept. 20-21 meeting. This feeling was based on the weaker-than-expected August jobs report released last week. Although Rosengren did not specifically mention September, his words, to some degree, leaves the door open to a rate hike, which Wall Street is not positioned for according to analysts.

Key levels to watch next week: Continue reading "Stocks Tumble On Fear Of Interest Rate Hike"

The Best Is Yet To Come

Hello MarketClub members everywhere. Looking at the markets, it seems to me that the best is yet to come. What I mean by that is I think that the equity markets can still go higher, a lot higher based on the Trade Triangles and the technical formations on the charts.

MarketClub's Mid-day Market Report

In today's video update I will be looking at all three major indices and sharing with you exactly how high I think one index is heading and one to avoid.

I will also be analyzing the gold (FOREX:XAUUSDO) market which closed out the week on a very positive note. This week could be a key week for gold and gold stocks in particular. I will give you my reasons why you should be paying close attention to gold right now.

Has crude oil (NYMEX:CL.U16.E) reached a crucial Fibonacci retracement level? What crude does at this stage is crucial to its future direction.

Stay focused and disciplined.

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub