Let's Read The Coffee Grounds To Understand Gold

Aibek Burabayev - INO.com Contributor - Metals

Sometimes we find a revelation in different things or places. Extending the range of our focus is quite helpful. From time to time I watch stock charts to find some interesting setups and to let my eyesight get a refreshing break from commodities and forex.

Last night I was browsing through some stock charts and my eyes caught a familiar structure on one of them. It was a chart of the iPath Bloomberg Coffee Subindex Total Return ETN (NYSE:JO). This instrument has a very interesting structure of complex correction on the chart. And today I would like to share with you an educational chart with a sample of a complex correction, which could take place in gold. It is better so see it once than to hear about it many times. Continue reading "Let's Read The Coffee Grounds To Understand Gold"

Chart to Watch - Coffee

We've asked our friend Jim Robinson of profittrading.com to provide his expert analysis of charts to our readers. Each week he'll be analyzing a different chart using the Trade Triangles and his experience.

Today he is going to take a look at the technical picture of March Coffee (NYBOT:KC.H14.E).

With futures you use the weekly MarketClub Trade Triangles to tell trend and the daily MarketClub Trade Triangles for timing the entry and exits to the trade.

Coffee made a base, has made a breakout of the base to the upside and a test of the base, which means a bottom is probably in for Coffee. Continue reading "Chart to Watch - Coffee"

Chart to Watch - Coffee

We've asked our friend Jim Robinson of profittrading.com to provide his expert analysis of charts to our readers. Each week he'll be be analyzing a different chart using the Trade Triangles and his experience.

Today he is going to take a look at the technical picture of Coffee. (NYBOT_KC.Z13.E).

I hope you are having a GREAT week !!!

This week let's take a look at the December Coffee futures chart.

We use the weekly MarketClub Trade Triangle to tell the trend when trading futures and the daily MarketClub Trade Triangle to time the trade.

December Coffee is on a weekly green MarketClub Trade Triangle and a daily red MarketClub Trade Triangle which is just exactly the way we want the Triangles to line up for a buy setup. Continue reading "Chart to Watch - Coffee"