3 Reasons Why This Week Could Be A Game Changer

Hello everyone, welcome to the beginning of a new trading week and what could be a game-changing week for the markets.

What stood out to me last week was the massive rally on Friday with the jobs numbers that were perceived to be better than expected. If that were not enough over the weekend, we had interest rates cut in China, with stocks over there rallying to the best levels in two weeks.

Here are the three reasons why I think stocks have the potential to go higher. Continue reading "3 Reasons Why This Week Could Be A Game Changer"

Crude Oil, Iraq and The Economy – Are We On A Collision Course?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, discussing the situation in Iraq and how it could possibly affect the US and world economy.

After spending over $1 trillion and having lost the lives of over 4,500 brave Americans in Iraq, the country has once again imploded. I don't have to reiterate what is going on with Muslim extremists, but it seems they are hellbent to take over Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, and the rest of the country. It would appear now, Muslim extremists feel empowered to push their views to the max.

The Middle East has always been a problem waiting to happen, ever since the British left in the 50s. Arab unity seems to be the major problem in this area and one that's been going on perhaps for centuries.

I've always believed that the west's principal interest in that region was because of the crude oil (NYMEX:CL.N14.E) under the sand. I'm positive we would not even be there if they did not have vast resources of energy that the world is addicted to. The question now is, what is going to happen if Iraq and the oil fields are taken over by Muslim extremists and Iran? Should that happen, and the odds are becoming more and more likely that it will, it will produce a world that is totally different from what we know now.

I have been positive on crude oil (NYMEX:CL.N14.E) since May 19th at the $101.98 level (currently trading at $106.98). This market has the potential to continue in a very positive manner and move substantially higher, possibly to the $120 to $125 a barrel area. Continue reading "Crude Oil, Iraq and The Economy – Are We On A Collision Course?"

The Summer Doldrums: Are They Here Already?

It would appear that the summer doldrums have arrived early this year as we are seeing choppy, directionless markets with no clear-cut trends at the moment. Certainly, the equity markets are taking their time to continue their uptrends, like the Dow and the S&P 500. Only the NASDAQ is in a clear downtrend according to the Trade Triangle technology.

This morning there is a new weekly Trade Triangle in Crude Oil (NYMEX:CL.N14.E), which indicates that the trend is now on the upside in this commodity. This new buy signal comes at a time when summer driving in the states will be at an all-time high for the year. The high price of crude, which is well over $100 a barrel now, could be a thorn in the side of the economy. I will be monitoring this situation very closely as oil prices affect many areas of the economy.

Gold (FOREX:XAUUSDO) continues moving sideways, but is forming an interesting technical chart picture. I will be discussing the potential technical pattern I see in today's video. Gold has resistance around $1,315.52 and support appears to be coming in at $1,280.00. Again, this is a market I am monitoring very carefully as Q2 has been a very good quarter for trading gold using MarketClub's Trade Triangles in the past.

In regard to the US Dollar vs the Euro Continue reading "The Summer Doldrums: Are They Here Already?"

Were The New Market Highs A Bull Trap?

On Tuesday we witnessed the S&P 500 and the DOW make new all-time highs. What is the significance of this? If you've been following my work and reading our comments then you're probably familiar with the 52-Week New Highs on Friday Rules which go like this:

Rule #1: On a new 52-week high, when the market closes at or close to its high on a Friday, buy and go home long for the weekend.

Rule #2: Exit the long position on the opening the following Tuesday.

Rule #3: If the market opens lower on Monday, exit this position immediately.

Since making their highs on Tuesday, the DOW and S&P 500 have been steadily moving lower and are in danger of closing lower for the week. Doing so would create a "negative engulfing line." A "negative engulfing line" or "bearish engulfing line," as it is some times called, is when the market price action engulfs the previous open and high period for the preceding week or day. If this turns out to be the case for the DOW and S&P 500 and this coming week they both close lower for the week, then the odds are pretty high that a top is more than likely in place. Continue reading "Were The New Market Highs A Bull Trap?"