Trump Tweets Create Opportunity for Investors

Matt Thalman - Contributor - ETFs

When Donald Trump goes to Twitter Inc. (TWTR) to voice his negative opinions, investors should begin trying to find opportunities. Over just the past few weeks we have seen two separate occasions in particular in which the President of the United States has directed negative tweets at specific industries or companies. In both cases, first with Inc. (AMZN) and more recently with The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), his tweets have sent asset prices lower for a short period, before they have recovered, opening up big opportunities for investors.


The end of March, beginning of April, Donald Trump assaulted Amazon with some tweets. First, it was that the company paid little to no state and local government taxes and then it was that the e-commerce company was a ‘scam’ which costs the US Post Office and therefore the American people, billions of dollars a year. Another string of tweets pointed the finger at Amazon claiming it was the reason thousands of retailers were going out of business, and millions of US workers had been laid off.

The tweets from Trump sent Amazon shares lower each day he would reignite his attack on the e-commerce giant. A 1-month chart of Amazon shows how the stock fell during the Presidents attacks and has since recovered.

Trump Tweets
From Yahoo Finance

Despite the fact that the President attacked Amazon and no real solution has come from the issues he pointed out, Amazon’s recovery appears to be nearly complete. This is not to say that the problems with Amazon not paying taxes or its contract with the Post Office couldn’t be reignited again in the future. But as most analysts have noted, the Presidents threats and claims against Amazon have no real teeth. Continue reading "Trump Tweets Create Opportunity for Investors"

The Only Way I Would Play The IPO Market

Matt Thalman - Contributor - ETFs

With the recently highly hyped Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP) initial public offering, I was once again reminded why I don’t attempt to buy into IPO's.

While big name company's first offer their stock to the general public, its call an initial public offering, or an IPO. While there are a number of issue's with buying stocks the first day they start trading, the biggest one is the hype!

The hype surrounding a big name IPO, such as Snap, Facebook, or Twitter to name a few, is that the demand for shares outweighs the supply on the first day of trading. Millions of people want shares and most fear if they don’t get them early, they will miss a big move higher. This hype and fear frenzy often causes shares to skyrocket in the first minutes to hours of trading. Snap for example rose 45% on day one.

But, after the hype fades, so will the stock price. The demand declines to the point that those looking to sell have to be willing to part ways with their precious shares for much less than they sold for on day one. Snap fell 27% on its second day of trading. Continue reading "The Only Way I Would Play The IPO Market"

Trends And Tipping Points For Apple, Alibaba And Twitter

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Yesterday, the 900-pound gorilla, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) reported earnings and by all accounts they were outstanding, far outpacing all of the pre-earnings estimates. But the reality is, the stock price barely moved and is up just 1.5% in today's early trading. I still believe that Apple is not out of the woods yet and it is yet to have any new blockbuster products or innovations.

The weekly and monthly Trade Triangles are indicating that Apple is in a trading range. The longer-term monthly Trade Triangle is red indicating the major trend remains negative. A tipping point for Apple on the downside would be a move below $109.50, that would turn all Trade Triangles red indicating a downward move. On the upside, Apple needs to move over $122.60 to reignite the bull trend. Continue reading "Trends And Tipping Points For Apple, Alibaba And Twitter"

Time To Buy Twitter?

Hello MarketClub members everywhere, I thought that I would take a look at a stock that's been in the news and that everyone has heard of. The stock I will be looking at today is Twitter, Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) which announced yesterday it would trim its workforce by up to 8% which meant they would be laying off 336 employees.

This once darling of the tech world has seen its stock price consistently move lower since its IPO when it traded a short time later up as high as $74.73 on December 26th, 2013. Since that time, Twitter has seen its influence and stock price steadily erode with the stock price hitting a low of $21 this past August. Continue reading "Time To Buy Twitter?"

5 Major Stocks In Major Trouble

Hello traders and MarketClub members everywhere! At the beginning of December I published a post titled, "December Can Be A Dangerous Month For Traders." It looks like that prediction is coming true as we are seeing increasing volatility not just in stocks, but in the broad indices as well.

In today's video, I'm going to be looking at five major stocks that are in major trouble, in my opinion. These are all well-known stocks that have, at one time, been the darling of investors' portfolios. I have always believed in Newton's Law of Gravity and it would appear as though these five stocks are coming back down to earth.

I'm going to start off with perhaps the biggest name, it is a service I use every day as I am sure you do too, and that is Google, Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG). Continue reading "5 Major Stocks In Major Trouble"